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PSR-E463 -- Almost there!

Started by SciNote, Apr 24, 2018, 03:41 AM

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Quote from: panos on May 03, 2018, 10:54 PM
Fully commercial music?
whaa whaa why are you saying this?
Are you making whaa whaa wild thoughts?

I like that part at 2:18.That's music my friend! (or whatever it is called...  ;D)
Oh! is there is there a Santana's music playing?
So I don't have to turn off the volume to watch the video then :)
I'm from India. :)


Hi there,

Well I had the E453 for about a week but it did mis out on a lot of things...
So returned it and after thinking long and hard between the S670 and the MZ-X3000 from Casio I bought the S670 and never regret it.
Styles from Yamaha where so much better and professional sounding, but the synthesizer in side the MZ-X3000 gave me a certain ring to it.
But finding out that you can make your own voices on the S670 and beeing making several packs for it..
Personally I am dissapointed in the new E463, same design and a few new options.

The new Casio CT-X 3000 and 5000 really did suprise me and the piano sound is really good...even better then the piano inside my S670.
Piano sounds in the 453 and the 670 are really dissapointment to my ears.
I can have better Piano sound out of Cubase Elements 8.
But even with the not so great Piano I really am happy with the S670.
And that is does not have Audio over USB I think really is a good thing because I always having trouble with these.
I just recorded on a professional USB sound card.
Sounds always good..

Best Regards,



@Lisa, I now have a PSR-S670 and if you have made packs for it, can you share ?
Yes you can make your own voices in the PSR-S670, from your own samples, and it's great but I have not test it yet.
It was something possible too on the Casio MZ-X300.

I still have my PSR-E453, and I am moving some styles from it to the PSR-S670 because there were a few that I really love...



How are you going to transfer the styles from the PSR E453 to the S670?

I am really curious to know that because to my knowledge the only way would be to play the style you want and record it in a MIDI file starting with the Intro, section A four measures with a C chord, section B four measures with a C chord, Ending, then using the software available on the main PSR Tutirial website to make a style from scratch from the MIDI file on your computer. A few years ago I thought of doing this with some styles I liked from the PSR E433 (which has many styles in common with the E453) but this was really to complicated.


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


@Vinciane, yes I am doing this, I have recorded Intro + Main A 8 measures + Main B 8 Measures + Main A 4 measures + Ending (I think I have done this to have the Fill A->B and Fill B->A). I have played with a Cm7. I exported to a Midi file and then made the style with the free Midi2Style software available from PSR Tutorial site.


There are potentially two Intros, two Fill-Ins, and two Endings. So if you want all variations you should record two User Songs:

Main A
Fill A>B
Main B
Ending B

Main B
Fill B>A
Main A
Ending A

Or something similar. And some styles might not have both Intros and both Endings.


Ok thanks, I was not aware of this...



Well put like this it seems simple but I am sure it is not. Also, don't you have voice mapping problems when you are playing the style you « extracted » from the PSR E453 on the PSR S670? Or are the styles using only XG voices? Also if I remember, the major and minor versions of the Intros and Endings sometimes are different (they are using a different melody) so you might have to record the style once in major and once in minor to have both Intros and Endings

Are you considering sharing some of the styles you are recording? I have really been missing some of the styles of the PSR E433 and PSR E343 and they probably are on the PSR E453, too. In particular I liked very much AcousticJazz (there is one Acoustic Jazz style on the DGX 650 but it doesn't sound the same at all), AcidJazz, JazzRock, Chillout and also Stadium Rock. I would be very happy to play them on the DGX 650.

By the way, which program are you using to record the style on the computer ?


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


@Vinciane, I have recorded 10 styles from the E453 but none of those you like. And I have sold it now, so I can't record them anymore.
I have not converted all the midi files to styles yet. I use the free midi2style program of Jørgen Sørensen available here on psr tutorial.
For voice mapping you can change the mapping before saving to style if you don't like the result with the original sounds.
For Intros and Endings, I don't like this, so I only use little drums intros and endings.
When I will be satisfied with the result I will share them, no problem.



So you sold the PSR E453, good news for you.  8)

Which DAW are you using on the computer to record the MIDI files? I am aware of midi2style for converting MIDI files to styles but I don't have a lot of experience with MIDI recording, when I had the PSR E433 I only did audio recordings with Audacity (on the DGX 650 I can do live recordings directly on an USB stick so I have not been using Audacity for a few years now), not MIDI.

I don't use the Intros and Endings all that much excepted when they really fit the song I have in mind but I find it is nice to have them with the style (most people on this forum are used to working with Intros and Endings), there are other ways to work with them also: you sometimes can use an Intro or Ending you like with another style, or even in the middle of a song.

Best Regards,

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


Hi Vinciane,
the long Intros and endings in preset styles usually contain pre-recorded chord progression so once you hit them the next chords are automated by the keyboard untill it plays all the bars of the Intro/Ending.
So you can play right hand melody with them but the automated chord depends upon the chord you were while you hitting them.
Sometimes we modify these parts so we can be able to change the chords on our will while we are playing (using the Style Creator function if the keyboard has it).
In Style Creator we can remove the event of "harmonic content" if we wish to do that.   
Long Intros and Endings with harmonic content can be done also with the midi2style program.
Of course these things ase you already said, are not too easy to handle.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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@Vinciane : yes, the PSR-E453 is sold, now I can concentrate on the PSR-S670 to discover its possibilities.
I have differents DAWs that can record MIDI (Reason, StudioOne, Tracktion, Mulab and I have to try Calkwalk now since it has became free).
But I directly saved as MIDI files on the PSR so I don't have to edit the events, just select the parts and tracks for the different elements of the style.

I think Cakewalk must be a good software for MIDI works because it was a MIDI sequencer before becoming a MIDI/AUDIO one.
More recent DAWs are more focused on AUDIO, for example they often miss an event list editor for MIDI, or don't handle sysex messages.


Hello again,

If I follow you correctly you record the MIDI directly on the USB stick plugged into the keyboard and do all the editing in midi2style so actually you don't need any DAW for this particular type of work (style recording and editing)?

I am thinking of recording some of the styles of the DGX 650 to reuse them again on the DGX itself, that way I will be able to mute parts (in some styles I feel there are too many parts, for instance the pads in the Serenade waltz or the piano in some Jazz styles if I want to play the piano part myself), or work on the stereo image of the voices, etc.

Yes, I heard about Cakewalk now being free, I will try it out since you say it should a good software to work with MIDI.


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.