I have a Genos2 and am trying to configure a Behringer FCB 1010 pedalboard but can't get it to work.
Is there anyone here on the Forum who can help, or knows something if it doesn't work.
Feel free to email me! tommy.sune.olin@gmail.com
Hey Tommy,
I use an MFC 10 Controller and don't know about the FCB 1010 but here is a link to the manual if you don't already have one.
https://mediadl.musictribe.com/media/PLM/data/docs/P0089/FCB1010_P0089_M_EN.pdf (https://mediadl.musictribe.com/media/PLM/data/docs/P0089/FCB1010_P0089_M_EN.pdf)
Rick D.
Hi Rick
I'm interested in your foot pedal set-up on the MFC10 (for Genos2).
I've just returned for family reasons to the UK from 16 years in China.
I took my Tyros 2 and a Shure 58 mic at the beginning and bought a Stagepass BT 600 system over there at a ridiculously low price. The Tyros 2 been repaired twice and declared unrepairable by Yamaha so I left it at my wife's apartment in China with the Stagepass. She plays erhu, a traditional stringed instrument, so the Stagepass will be used with a Chinese amateur orchestra.
The MFC10 was bubble-wrapped and left in storage at my late brother's house. I've had the Genos 2 for a few weeks and it's just an amazing keyboard. Seeing your post has encouraged me to consider the MFC10 again.
Hi Sam,
I have mine on Genos1, but the setup will be similar.
Here is a link to the Manual: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mhiutxwyey4jdvn67ixhy/mfc10e.pdf?rlkey=xj1zzm2e4fyr8h8ok2gm4pv59&st=yie6unw0&dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mhiutxwyey4jdvn67ixhy/mfc10e.pdf?rlkey=xj1zzm2e4fyr8h8ok2gm4pv59&st=yie6unw0&dl=0)
Here is a video to guide you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=1XWWr6SdyjA&t=0s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=1XWWr6SdyjA&t=0s)
Good luck,
Rick D.
Hey all
Is the Foot Pedal easy to program? Can I assign, start/stop fill ins to it?
The MFC-10 when used with any of the Tyros keyboard is simple to set up as they provided a tab in settings to do just that. When Genos came out they eliminated this feature and also discontinued the MFC-10. You are still able to use the MFC-10 with the Genos, but it take a little bit more work. The links I provided in my last post should guide you though. As far as what you can program on the MFC-10, you can program the pedals to do anything you want.
This is what I have mine programmed for.
Key Function Pedal #
CC#32/E1 Art. 1 Rt. 1 1
CC#23/G0 Art. 2 Rt.1 2
CC#8/E1 Art. 3 Rt.1 3
CC#9/F1 Fill Self 4
C#10/ F#1 Fill Break 5
CC#12/Ab1 Multi Pad 1 6
CC#13/A1 Fade 7
CC#14/Bb1 Score + 8
CC#15/B1 Score - 9
CC#0/C#1 Stop/ Start 0
There are many more things you can program as well, and I believe the Behringer has the same options. The link to the Behringer Manual in my prior post should clarify that.
You can still find used Yamaha MFC-10's for sale.
Rick D.
Sorry just realized I didn't include the Behringer Manual in my last post.
Here is the link:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bo6ud25s0kyylsyiy93kw/FCB1010_P0089_M_EN.pdf?rlkey=kbc80ikm8wjz148jbu5v0zgdt&st=w6j9nbd3&dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bo6ud25s0kyylsyiy93kw/FCB1010_P0089_M_EN.pdf?rlkey=kbc80ikm8wjz148jbu5v0zgdt&st=w6j9nbd3&dl=0)
Rick D.