PSR Tutorial Forum

Yamaha Keyboards => Yamaha DGX Portable Grand Pianos => Topic started by: Newbie Neal on Jun 24, 2021, 07:07 PM

Title: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Newbie Neal on Jun 24, 2021, 07:07 PM
Hello everyone... Thank you in advance for any help you can give. Called Yamaha and they got me part of the way. I bought the DGX-670 as a present for my wife's birthday and want to use the bonus play list.

Here are the directions that came with the down load:

Readme File / Bonus Playlist for DGX-670

(1) Files

    DGX-670 Playlist (folder) : YES
    ReadMe File (.txt) : YES

(2) How to use Bonus Playlist File
    1. Unzip the download files using preferred computer program.
    2. Copy "DGX-670 Playlist" folder onto root folder of USB storage device.
    3. Connect your USB storage device to the USB TO DEVICE termial
    4. Call up Playlist function by pressing [PLAYLIST] button.
    5. Choose the Playlist you want to play by choosing Option -> Select&Save -> Preset -> User -> USB -> DGX-670 Playlist -> folder of your choice -> Playlist file inside the folder.
    6. Push [PLAYLIST] button again, and you can see the playlist of your choice.
    7. If you choose the Playlist Record and push [ENTER] button, DGX-670 is ready to play.
    8. Each Playlist Record contains several Registration data to play the song.

(3) Notice
    -Make sure you copy "DGX-670 Playlist" folder onto your root folder of USB storage device.
    -Make sure no other USB storage device is connected to DGX-670.
    -If you change the name of files/folders, Playlist will not work.
    -If Adaptive style is selected, it is recommended to turn Adaptive OFF by choosing Function -> Style Setting -> Adaptive -> Adaptive Style switch.

-- End of File --

I have completed the steps down to STEP 2 Part 7... I have no idea what "Playlist Record" is and I can not find in the manual or internet.
Right now is sees all the sub folders, when you select a folder and press the "Playlist" button is shows the song. When you highlight the song and press enter, the USB drive shows activity and the Style Control buttons begin to blink. When you press play.. nothing, everything stops.

Thanks again
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Fred Smith on Jun 24, 2021, 07:27 PM
A Playlist Record is one row (or if you prefer, one line) of your Playlist.

What they're saying is tap on the name of the song you want to play. That will load the registration, and off you go.

Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Jun 24, 2021, 07:42 PM
In addition to Fred's remarks (I had already finished my post ;) ):

Hi Newbie Neal,

A "Playlist Record" is just a single entry of a Playlist (normally the song title). When you touch on a certain Playlist record, the linked Registration bank is loaded, and usually one of the Registration buttons (1 - 4) is automatically activated.

To load a Playlist press the Playlist button and touch the name of the currently loaded Playlist file (e.g. "Sample") to open the Playlist file selection display. Then navigate to "User > USB", open the folder in which the desired Playlist file is stored and select it. Then touch one of the records (song titles) as mentioned before

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Newbie Neal on Jun 24, 2021, 08:37 PM
OK.. Record is the name of the song.. not a button. (slaps forehead!)

This is what I have done:

Press Select then tabbed over to USB
Selected DGX-670 Playlist and pressed Enter
Selected (first directory) AllTimeHits and pressed Enter
No files show up in directory and then I press Playlist
Files show up and I select A Hard Days Night an press enter
It reads the USB and Style Control changes, the screen shows Registration Bank 1 Button 1 is Orange
I press Play/Pause Button and nothing happens.

I am sorry for being a pain, I am a computer guy and my wife plays the keyboard. I thought this would be a great present for her. Thank you for all your help!!!!

Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Jun 24, 2021, 10:35 PM
Hi Newbie Neal,

first of all: If not already done so, please download all three manuals from the DGX-670 download site (Owner's Manual, Reference Manual and Data List):

Open the Owner's Manual and the Reference Manual parallel on your computer, so that you can quickly jump back and forth between the two manuals, because there is information on many functions in BOTH manuals. Basically you can find all needed information in these manuals.

On the subject of Registrations and Playlists, please read Chapter 7 in both manuals (in the Owner's Manual from page 80 and in the Reference Manual from page 61).

Use the search function of your PDF reader program (usually "Ctrl + F", followed by "Enter" or "F3") to quickly find all text passages where a certain search term (e.g. "playlist") occurs.

Quote from: Newbie Neal on Jun 24, 2021, 08:37 PM
OK.. Record is the name of the song.. not a button. (slaps forehead!)

This is what I have done:

Press Select then tabbed over to USB
Selected DGX-670 Playlist and pressed Enter
Selected (first directory) AllTimeHits and pressed Enter
No files show up in directory and then I press Playlist
Files show up and I select A Hard Days Night an press enter
It reads the USB and Style Control changes, the screen shows Registration Bank 1 Button 1 is Orange
I press Play/Pause Button and nothing happens.

I am sorry for being a pain, I am a computer guy and my wife plays the keyboard. I thought this would be a great present for her. Thank you for all your help!!!!

What do you mean by "Press Select"? As mentioned before, you FIRST have to press the Playlist button to load a Playlist file.

Note: You always have to go into the correct Mode first (i.e. open the correct File Selection display). This is the only way you can see the associated file types.

- To see and load Registration Bank files, press the "Bank" button in the Registration Memory section to open the Registration Bank Selection display.
- To see and load Styles (Style files), press one of the Style category buttons, e.g. "Pop & Rock".)
- To see and load Voices (Voice files), press one of the Voice Category buttons, e.g. "Piano & E.Piano".
- And finally, to see and load Playlist files, press the Playlist button, as already mentioned.

Note: Folders can be seen in all File Selection displays. But if you are not in the "correct" mode, you will not see the files you want because they will be filtered out.

Also note: The Registrations linked in this Bonus Playlist do not contain any MIDI or Audio songs, so you have to play yourself! ;)

When calling up a Playlist record (song title), a Registration bank is loaded and a Registration (usually button #1) is activated from it. This Registration automatically loads a (Preset) STYLE, and all the necessary Style and Keyboard Voice settings (Left, Main and Layer parts and Effects) are made automatically. Normally the ACMP button (= accompaniment) is also activated automatically.

You control the Style via the STYLE CONTROL section. If the SYNC START button was not activated automatically via the current registration, you can do this manually: Press SYNC START so that the button lights up.

If you now play a Chord with your left hand (within the Chord Detection Area, which by default goes up to F#2), the accompaniment will start automatically. In this context, please have a look at the topic "Split Points" in the Owner's Manual (pages 38, 49 and from 55).

The current Split Points are always saved automatically when Registrations are saved, and therefore it is possible that the current Split Points are CHANGED when Registrations are called up. The so-called "Fingering", i.e. how Chords should be fingered, is automatically saved in Registrations or can be CHANGED by Registrations. If you always want to play with the same Split Points or Fingering, you can block these settings in the "Parameter Lock". (Refer to Chapter 10 of the Reference Manual.)

I know this is a lot of information now. But if you read everything calmly (preferably several times), I am sure that you will quickly achieve success.

Best regards,

Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Newbie Neal on Jun 25, 2021, 12:01 AM
Thank you so much for the info, it is a lot to take in but at least i have a direction.

Also note: The Registrations linked in this Bonus Playlist do not contain any MIDI or Audio songs, so you have to play yourself! ;)

Sorry, but I am learning a lot of new terminology. If I understand you correctly, the bonus playlist does not have the notes and play alone capability?
Hmmm... I must of misunderstood that from the UTube vids. Do you know if there are any files that can be purchased that will have the notes etc.??

Again, thank you so much for your help.
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Jun 25, 2021, 05:01 PM
Quote from: Newbie Neal on Jun 25, 2021, 12:01 AM
Thank you so much for the info, it is a lot to take in but at least i have a direction.

Also note: The Registrations linked in this Bonus Playlist do not contain any MIDI or Audio songs, so you have to play yourself! ;)

Sorry, but I am learning a lot of new terminology. If I understand you correctly, the bonus playlist does not have the notes and play alone capability?
Hmmm... I must of misunderstood that from the UTube vids. Do you know if there are any files that can be purchased that will have the notes etc.??

Again, thank you so much for your help.

Thanks for your feedback, Newbie Neal!

Some users simply play "by heart", i.e. without sheet music, others use text sheets with chord symbols or so-called leadsheets (one note system with the melody per line, combined with chord symbols), and some use so-called piano notation (two note systems per line, for the rights and left hand).

Some users play "over" a MIDI file (= MIDI song). Here you can e.g. mute certain "Tracks" (MIDI channels), which you play yourself, and, if desired, the notes of one or two channels can be displayed in the Score display on the keyboard. However, every manufacturer of MIDI files has another track assignment. So if you use MIDI files from different manufacturers, you must change the Score settings on the keyboard. The latter can be stored with the MIDI file if necessary, so that when loading the files, the "correct" Score settings are present.

To search MIDI files, you enter e.g. on Google just a song title, possibly the artist and the addition "midi" or "midi files", e.g.:

In addition to many commercial MIDI file providers, you will also find a lot of free files on the internet. In principle, you can use almost every MIDI file on the DGX-670. The formats SMF0, SMF1 and XF (Yamaha) and the MIDI file standards XG (Yamaha), GS (Roland), GM (General MIDI) and GM2 are supported.

Since only a few MIDI files are probably produced specifically for the DGX-670, I can not give a general recommendation which files are best suited. MIDI files originally created for PSR-S750/950/670/770/970/950/670/770/970 or SX600/SX700 will probably sound good on the DGX-670. You can also use files for Tyros models. In principle, however, you will not get around the exchange of Voices in certain channels of the MIDI Files, since the DGX-670, of course, does not  contain all Voices used in the various files.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Newbie Neal on Jun 25, 2021, 08:49 PM
Thank you so much! I downloaded all three of the manuals and had them open trying to figure it out. Seemed like every third word required a google search. I think I have learned some things but I think learning a foreign language would be easier.

Thank you for the advise on the MiDi Files, wife now has about 20 songs that she likes and is learning them. She is happy on the keyboard and I have some time to figure the whole thing out. You are a life saver!

Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Graham UK on Sep 23, 2021, 07:04 AM
After 15 years using a Tyros and understanding it very well, this week a DGX670 was delivered.
I'm now on a complete new learning curve. Downloaded the Bonus Playlist to USB Root which now shows and I understand are registrations which select the style suggested for the song but my aging brain is working overtime.
CHRIS. following your explaination above I'm still having difficulty selecting a RGT after the Bonus paylist is selected.
Like all manuals they state what to press to get TO but never explain how to to DO.

Every keyboard I have owned I spent time getting to know it's OS, so i'll keep trying with this DGX

Chris you are a bonus yourself on this forum being so Yammy knowledgable.
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Sep 23, 2021, 08:31 AM
Quote from: Graham UK on Sep 23, 2021, 07:04 AM
After 15 years using a Tyros and understanding it very well, this week a DGX670 was delivered.
I'm now on a complete new learning curve. Downloaded the Bonus Playlist to USB Root which now shows and I understand are registrations which select the style suggested for the song but my aging brain is working overtime.
CHRIS. following your explaination above I'm still having difficulty selecting a RGT after the Bonus paylist is selected.
Like all manuals they state what to press to get TO but never explain how to to DO.

Every keyboard I have owned I spent time getting to know it's OS, so i'll keep trying with this DGX

Chris you are a bonus yourself on this forum being so Yammy knowledgable.

Thank you for your kind words, Graham!

It is important that the Bonus Playlist is correctly "installed", that is, that you have copied the unzipped folder "DGX-670 Playlist" into the root directory of the USB stick. (NOT the folder "BonusPlaylistForDGX-670", which contains the folder mentioned first!) See also the attached picture!

The "DGX-670 Playlist" folder contains 16 subfolders ("All Time Hits", "Ballad", etc.). Each of these subfolders contains a certain number of Registration Bank files (.rgt) as well as a Playlist file (.tsv) with which the Registrations contained in the respective folder can be called up. Simply open the folder "DGX-670 Playlist" on the computer for testing purposes and look at the contents of all subfolders there.

By the way, you could also copy all contained .tsv files from the individual subfolders to the main folder "DGX-670 Playlist". Then you have direct access to all 16 included Playlists later and you don't have to switch to a different subfolder each time to load a different Playlist (of a different genre).

To load a (different) Playlist file and then to call up the contained "Records" (to load the linked Registration), please refer to the section "Recalling Custom Panel Setups via the Playlist" on page 86 in the DGX-670 Owner's Manual . (So ​​you have to go to the "Options" and "Select & Save" buttons.)

Alternatively, you can of course open the included registrations DIRECTLY. To do this, open the Registration Bank Selection display, navigate to the USB stick, there in the "DGX-670 Playlist" folder and then in the desired subfolder (genre). You will now see the included Registration Bank files and can load one of them.

So, as just described, you can either work with the Playlist function OR load the relevant Registrations DIRECTLY.

When you work with the Playlist function, you load a playlist (= a .tsv file) and can then call up the "Records" (songs) contained therein. As a result, the respective Registration Bank and a Registration from it (usually #1) are AUTOMATICALLY loaded.

Or, as already described, you do NOT work with the Playlist function. Then you simply load the desired Registrations MANUALLY.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Graham UK on Sep 23, 2021, 11:17 AM
Chris. Appreciated your Playlist details and the JPG.
I have done as suggested copied all contained .tsv files from the individual subfolders to the main folder "DGX-670 Playlist".

I have a health problem with poor balance, the Neurology consultant suggested I set my brain a new challenge, The DGX is so far doing just that.   At 84 I can't complain.

Now early evening it's time for whisky & Ice and will look at it tomorrow with a clear head.
PS Whilst I'm pouring what would you like!!!
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: miker on Sep 23, 2021, 06:46 PM
Broken the bonus playlist is broken also Android apps do not work
I like some of the features but this lack of excellence and poor performance is a Yamaha deal breaker.p

When I use format my usb stick on the dgx 670  and examine the disk there is no "root" folder created.
I don't know if I hat makes a difference

I expect Yamaha to test their software . Most unacceptable software I seen
I recommend hold off purchase until Yamaha gets their act together
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Sep 23, 2021, 06:55 PM
Hi miker,

welcome to the PSR Tutorial forum!

"root" is NOT a "folder". "Copying to the root directory" (of a USB stick) just means to copy the file/folder onto the USB stick, but not in a folder on the stick.

Best regards,
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: miker on Sep 23, 2021, 08:13 PM
Okay I even tried to make a root directory . This does not work.
Poor product design and execution,
I would like to report otherwise :)
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Fred Smith on Sep 23, 2021, 10:39 PM
Quote from: miker on Sep 23, 2021, 08:13 PM
Okay I even tried to make a root directory . This does not work.
Poor product design and execution,
I would like to report otherwise :)

It does work, Mike. Thousands of others have made it work. You can too.

Here's my Youtube video on how to. (

Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Sep 24, 2021, 12:36 AM
Hi miker,

I don't know how to explain it to you otherwise: What is called "root" on a USB stick (or any other storage medium such as hard drive, solid state disk, memory card or floppy disk) is simply the top level of the file system. So if a USB stick has been formatted (i.e. there is "nothing" on the stick) and you copy something onto this stick, this copied file or folder is located in the "root" of this stick.

And the technically correct term is not "root" alone, but "root directory". This is one of the basics of computer technology/terminology that every computer user should normally have heard of. It has nothing specifically to do with Yamaha.

The reason that the Playlist folder has to be copied to the "root" of the USB stick (and not to any other folder on the stick) is simply because in the Playlist files (.tsv) supplied contain the exact file path ("full path") to the relevant Registration Bank files (.rgt). And just as a Registration can no longer find linked files such as external Styles or MIDI files if these files have been subsequently renamed or moved, the Playlist can no longer find the Registrations linked in it if the Playlist folder and thus also the Registration Bank files it contains are not in the right place.

Incidentally, all Bonus Playlists (for the individual models) contain a README file, which explains exactly WHICH FOLDER has to be copied and that it has to be copied into the "root" of the USB stick, i.e. not into another folder.

This is not a "poor product design", but all you have to do is copy a specific folder to a specific location.  Every user should be able to do this. ;)

Best regards,
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: miker on Sep 24, 2021, 05:53 AM
thank you for your help in responding.
I notice you are not using a dgx 670 in your video
I will make a video which clearly shows the issue
BonusPlaylist is broken on DGX 670 and  No android support

And I really like the DGX 670 except for what is poorly designed and the broken os

There is no excuse for not testing software.

Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Fred Smith on Sep 24, 2021, 06:18 AM
Quote from: miker on Sep 24, 2021, 05:53 AM
thank you for your help in responding.
I notice you are not using a dgx 670 in your video
I will make a video which clearly shows the issue
BonusPlaylist is broken on DGX 670 and  No android support

And I really like the DGX 670 except for what is poorly designed and the broken os

There is no excuse for not testing software.

Looking forward to it,

Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Sep 24, 2021, 06:34 AM
Quote from: miker on Sep 24, 2021, 05:53 AM... I will make a video which clearly shows the issue
BonusPlaylist is broken on DGX 670 and  No android support ...

Hi miker,

what do you mean by "no Android support" respectively what exactly do you want to do with an Android device in connection with the DGX-670?

By the way, did you use a PC (or Mac) to copy the Playlist folder to the USB stick, or did you do this with an Android device?

Best regards,
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Fred Smith on Sep 24, 2021, 06:41 AM
Quote from: miker on Sep 24, 2021, 05:53 AM
thank you for your help in responding.
I notice you are not using a dgx 670 in your video
I will make a video which clearly shows the issue
BonusPlaylist is broken on DGX 670 and  No android support

And I really like the DGX 670 except for what is poorly designed and the broken os

There is no excuse for not testing software.

By the way, you're correct about no Android support. Yamaha have never had, and have never claimed to have, Android support.

Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: miker on Sep 24, 2021, 12:41 PM
What am I doing wrong

thank you
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: ckobu on Sep 24, 2021, 01:01 PM
The error is that you open the SONG menu. You need to open the menu as in the picture and select the highlighted icon.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Bill on Sep 24, 2021, 01:58 PM
Hi MikeR

Quite often when unzipping files you end up with a duplicate directory. As your video shows you have two directories with the same name.  When you copy the directory to the USB stick, make sure you copy the SUB directory not the main one.



Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: miker on Sep 24, 2021, 04:34 PM
Thank you, but no .
I am going to return this.
I just can't handle s_ _t software.

And, I'm not an apple fanboy.

Good Piano sound, but I'll go with Pianoteq and a fatar slab.

thanks again for your help
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Bill on Sep 25, 2021, 05:31 AM
Hi Mikef

Have one last go.  Only copy the folder  DGX-670 Playlist to your USB Stick.
If you want to download my copy it is on the link below.


(2) How to use Bonus Playlist File
    1. Unzip the download files using preferred computer program.
    2. Copy "DGX-670 Playlist" folder onto root folder of USB storage device.
    3. Connect your USB storage device to the USB TO DEVICE termial
    4. Call up Playlist function by pressing [PLAYLIST] button.
    5. Choose the Playlist you want to play by choosing Option ->
        Select&Save -> Preset -> User -> USB -> DGX-670 Playlist -> folder of your choice -> Playlist file inside the folder.
    6. Push [PLAYLIST] button again, and you can see the playlist of your choice.
    7. If you choose the Playlist Record and push [ENTER] button, DGX-670 is ready to play.
    8. Each Playlist Record contains several Registration data to play the song.

(3) Notice
    -Make sure you copy "DGX-670 Playlist" folder onto your root folder of USB storage device.
    -Make sure no other USB storage device is connected to DGX-670.
    -If you change the name of files/folders, Playlist will not work.
    -If Adaptive style is selected, it is recommended to turn Adaptive OFF by choosing Function ->
     Style Setting -> Adaptive -> Adaptive Style switch.
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Graham UK on Sep 25, 2021, 02:24 PM
Chris. Following your excellent detailed instructions on how to use Bonus Playlist I now have it working well.
Now finding my way around the options within the MENU button. I'm wanting to learn more.
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: frozzers on Dec 08, 2021, 03:53 AM
I've only recently got my DGX-670 so still finding my way around it.

I've successfully installed the Bonus Playlist and was surprised to see when I selected a record that only Registration 1 button lit up. Unlike the original poster, I was able to get the registration to play. ACMP lit up, one Main Variation and Intro were selected and the SYNC START and STOP/START buttons were also selected. To play the registration, as you would expect, you play a key/chord on the left side of the keyboard. You can make changes to the Variations through Variations A-D but only the rhythm changes. The initial voice stays the same.

At first, I thought this was a bit mean. Having a Genos where a Playlist record will give you a minimum of 6 primed registrations, I expected that each of the 4 Registration buttons would be filled with different registrations.

Well the good news is that each Playlist record does indeed have 4 individual registrations but you have to turn the OTS Link button on to access them. This is the process required for the MusicFinder records on the older keyboards. The problem is that this simple function is not documented - at least I couldn't find it. As the Bonus Playlist instructions indicate:

'8. Each Playlist Record contains several Registration data to play the song.'

But they left out piece of information about the OTS Link button.

So, as with a MusicFinder record, you get your different registrations by selecting any of the Main Variation buttons.

When you select a different Main Variation, Registration button 1 goes green but the others remain empty. If you want to save the 4 different variations of a Playlist record as registrations, just copy each Main Variation into each of the Registration buttons and then save it as a new Registration bank.

Just as an aside, I think the OTS voice choices and the way they are set up are pretty good. Dare I say, better than the Genos OTS ...


Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: stephenm52 on Dec 08, 2021, 12:59 PM
I'm still working my way around the DGX670.  I bought it to use as a piano more so than an arranger but after playing so many arrangers I can't help but digging to work on Playlists.  I have to say setting up this new Playlist feature is not as straight forward as it is on SX900 or the Genos. I'm slowly getting the hang of it but find it is a bit arachaic setting up compared to the SX900 or the Genos.   I've set up 4 playlists after playing around but it doesn't seem to be easy to do.
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Jalor1525 on Dec 11, 2021, 11:06 PM
Regarding using the OTS Link with the registration files, I have tried with numerous files but the Registration button doesn't light up beyond the first button. (2,3,4 blank).
What could I be doing wrong?
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: frozzers on Dec 12, 2021, 04:21 AM
Well I think I already explained it but here again are the required steps after you've loaded the playlist record:

1. Press the 'OTS LINK' button (the R1 button will turn from orange to green)
2. Start playing
3. Press one of the Main Variation buttons which isn't already lit to change the rhythm, voices etc
4. To discover the other two rhythm and voice variations associated with the playlist record, press the other Main Variation buttons.

What you're actually doing here is playing the OTS (One Touch Settings) of the style that's been picked (by Yamaha) for the playlist record.

All styles have their own OTS. If you choose any style from the Style menu and press the 'OTS LINK' button, you can call up the most appropriate panel settings for that style - see Page 52 of the Owner's Manual.

If you want to, you can create a registration from the 4 OTS. Start with Main Variation A selected and store the panel settings in R1. Select Main Variation B and store in R2 and so on. Then save the registration with the name of the style. If it's a Playlist record (as opposed to just a style), give it the name of the record.

Have a look at this video which shows the process:


Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Graham UK on Dec 12, 2021, 08:29 PM
Chris. Re your reply.
By the way, you could also copy all contained .tsv files from the individual subfolders to the main folder "DGX-670 Playlist". Then you have direct access to all 16 included Playlists later and you don't have to switch to a different subfolder each time to load a different Playlist (of a different genre).

I have copied all the Bonus PlayList tvs's as your reply suggests.
Now what do I do with these tvs file please.
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Dec 12, 2021, 08:57 PM
Quote from: Graham UK on Dec 12, 2021, 08:29 PM
Chris. Re your reply.
By the way, you could also copy all contained .tsv files from the individual subfolders to the main folder "DGX-670 Playlist". Then you have direct access to all 16 included Playlists later and you don't have to switch to a different subfolder each time to load a different Playlist (of a different genre).

I have copied all the Bonus PlayList tvs's as your reply suggests.
Now what do I do with these tvs file please.

Hi Graham,

It's very simple: If you have copied all .tsv files from the individual sub-folders into the Playlist main folder, as I recommended, you no longer need to go to the sub-folders later, but have all the Playlist files contained (all genres) in a single Folder available in alphabetical order. Normally you would always have to go out of the current subfolder first, i.e. back into the Playlist main folder, and then into another subfolder to load the Playlist for a different genre.

Best regards,
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Jalor1525 on Dec 12, 2021, 11:33 PM
OTS Link help.
Thank you so much Chris for the reply. The YouTube video explained the steps that I was having issues with. My mistake was that my tiny brain  :o processed the steps incorrectly. I thought by selecting the OTS button, the remaining Reg files would light up. I missed the part that I still needed to copy the styles to the Reg. :)
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: frozzers on Dec 13, 2021, 02:55 AM
Quote from: Jalor1525 on Dec 12, 2021, 11:33 PM
OTS Link help.
Thank you so much Chris for the reply. The YouTube video explained the steps that I was having issues with. My mistake was that my tiny brain  :o processed the steps incorrectly. I thought by selecting the OTS button, the remaining Reg files would light up. I missed the part that I still needed to copy the styles to the Reg. :)

Glad to be of help.

You probably realise it but just to be clear, you're not copying styles to the registration buttons. You're copying the variations of the currently loaded style into the registration buttons.

Now you've grasped it, have a think about where to place the variations in the registration buttons. I originally suggested placing variation A in R1, B in R2 etc but the choice is yours.  If you have a look at different playlist records, you'll see they don't always start with the same variation selected. The Yamaha engineers have selected the most appropriate (in their view) variation to start the song. My experience of these playlist records (previously MusicFinder records) is that, if for example, the song starts on Variation C, it's sometimes difficult to get Variation A to fit into the song. As you probably know, each style variation gets more complex as you move from A to D so A after C doesn't always work. The beauty of registrations is that you can do whatever you like with them - if you want to you can change the Intro from its original variation to another variation. You can also set up each registration to use the same variation if that feels better for the song.

Please don't overlook my point about using this process to set up registration banks for the onboard styles. The DGX-670 has 263 onboard styles. It would be a lot of work to set up 263 registration banks one at a time but whenever you find a style you like, you can set up a generic registration bank for it using the OTS variations for the style. Just give the registration bank the name of the style. I find it easier to locate a particular style this way. You can always tweak the registration bank later when you've used it for a particular song and you can then save it as a new registration bank using the name of the song. This will leave the generic registration bank intact for another song later.


Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: frozzers on Dec 13, 2021, 04:17 AM
Quote from: Graham UK on Dec 12, 2021, 08:29 PM
Chris. Re your reply.
By the way, you could also copy all contained .tsv files from the individual subfolders to the main folder "DGX-670 Playlist". Then you have direct access to all 16 included Playlists later and you don't have to switch to a different subfolder each time to load a different Playlist (of a different genre).

I have copied all the Bonus PlayList tvs's as your reply suggests.
Now what do I do with these tvs file please.

First things first.

Your USB root should contain:

1. DGX-670 Bonus Playlist folder as downloaded and unzipped per the instructions.
2. A copy of each '.tsv' from each of the Bonus Playlist folders. There are 16 folders so you should have 16 '.tsv' files. (You won't be loading the original '.tsv' files so you can leave them in or delete them from the folders if you want.)

When you press 'Playlist', the last Playlist you loaded up will appear. If it's not the one you want, press 'Select & Save' and navigate to the USB drive using the Tab buttons. You should now see each of the 16 playlists (the 16 '.tsv' files). Just select a playlist and then select whichever record you want from it.

Chris's 'all tsv files to USB root method' cuts two steps out of the selection process. To access a different Bonus Playlist 'tsv', you would normally have to select 'Select & Save' then select the 'DGX-670 Bonus Playlist' folder then select the appropriate playlist folder and then the desired playlist. Using this method, you only have to select 'Select & Save' and then the desired playlist.

Personally, I would have preferred an 'Up' arrow rather than the 'Option/Select & Save' function in the Playlist window. At first, the 'Save' part was confusing. I assumed you had to save something. You don't, you just navigate to your desired playlist, the playlist is automatically selected and you just need to press 'Playlist' again to access the records.

Here's a tip - not documented in the manuals - to quickly access the Playlist's highest level ie 'Preset' 'User' 'USB', just press 'Direct Access' then 'Playlist'.



Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: stephenm52 on Dec 13, 2021, 04:08 PM
Quote from: frozzers on Dec 13, 2021, 04:17 AM

Here's a tip - not documented in the manuals - to quickly access the Playlist's highest level ie 'Preset' 'User' 'USB', just press 'Direct Access' then 'Playlist'.



Chris thanks for posting that. I have been playing with Playlists and I too discovered that the "Direct Access" button makes like much easier and you're right there's no docuentation in the manual about using "Direct Access."
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: overover on Dec 13, 2021, 05:30 PM
Quote from: frozzers on Dec 13, 2021, 04:17 AM
... Here's a tip - not documented in the manuals - to quickly access the Playlist's highest level ie 'Preset' 'User' 'USB', just press 'Direct Access' then 'Playlist'.



Quote from: stephenm52 on Dec 13, 2021, 04:08 PM
... I have been playing with Playlists and I too discovered that the "Direct Access" button makes like much easier and you're right there's no docuentation in the manual about using "Direct Access."

Hi Chris,
hi Steve,

Just for the sake of completeness: ;)

The "Direct Access Chart" of the DGX-670 is not in the Owners Manual (as for example with the Genos), but in the DGX-670 Data List (as usual with earlier models). This chart also shows the command "[Direct Access] > [Playlist]" for calling up the "Playlist (Select & Save)" display. (See also the attached picture.)

By the way, if you haven't downloaded the Data List yet, here is a link to the DGX-670 download site:

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: stephenm52 on Dec 13, 2021, 05:41 PM
Chris aka OverOver.  Thanks for posting that, it's too bad Yamaha did not publish in the section that gives instructions on how to use the Playlist I think it would have been more helpful.
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Carolyn Ross on Feb 11, 2022, 11:56 AM
I am having issues trying to load music from a usb (using the front access)
I have used the keyboard to re-format the usb as suggested in the manual
the files on my usb are in WAV format...but they don't show up on the screen when I am in USB mode
I guess my question at this point is...can this be done or not without hooking up manually to a computer ?
I thought this was possible to of the reasons I bought this keyboard...I can play the music through bluetooth connection but the keyboard isn't loud enough to hear over the music volume.  I would rather have my music coming through the playlist so I can control the sounds/volume of the keyboard while playing along
ty for any help you can give...I've only had the product for a few days....lots of stuff to inhale lol
Title: Re: DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help
Post by: Carolyn Ross on Mar 28, 2022, 07:01 AM
what does "Copy "DGX-670 Playlist" folder onto root folder of USB storage device." mean....please describe what a "root folder" on a usb mean...
I have put the playlist on my usb after extracting it but having great difficulty saving it to the piano...playlist never shows on the screen