PSR Tutorial Forum

Yamaha Tyros Keyboards => Yamaha Tyros 5 => Topic started by: gio on Apr 18, 2020, 08:55 PM

Title: is punch in/out and quantize midi recording possible in tyros 5?
Post by: gio on Apr 18, 2020, 08:55 PM
hello to all the tyros masters!

    newbie here

  trying to record using the t5 16 Track midi.

i keep on making mistakes almost at the end already of the song


1). is there a way to punch in/out recording?   so ill just repeat parts that i dont like

2). how do i quantize the manual drum parts /piano parts ?

thank you so much to all

Title: Re: is punch in/out and quantize midi recording possible in tyros 5?
Post by: MBedesem on Apr 19, 2020, 07:15 AM
See these items from the PSR FAQ ( (

F.79.  How to delete part of a midi on the instrument
1) Load the song and play a little of it to be sure it is the one you want to modify.

2) Press the "Digital Recording" button and then "Song Creator" button [A]

3) Under the "rec mode" tab, you will see "rec start".   Set this to "Punch in at......"where you want to end the song. Set "rec end" to "replace all"

4) Press the "fast forward  >>" button until you get to the bar where you want the song to finish

5) Press "REC" only and all 16 channels should already be set to REC - If not set to REC.

6) Press "Play" and then "Stop" IMMEDIATELY afterwards.

7) Save the song to make the changes permanent.

This way you never have to leave the Song Creator window until you are finished with the changes.

C.59.     New! How to quantize a midi
A) Your keyboard has a Quantize function for MIDI songs which is found on the CHANNEL page of SONG CREATOR.

The function works on a single channel at a time which can be selected from the display which opens when option 1: QUANTIZE on the Channel page is selected.

When you have set the various parameters, just press EXECUTE (D button) to carry out the quantization.  You can listen to the results without leaving the screen and if you don't like them, you can UNDO them and try again with different parameters.  However you can only use the UNDO before you leave the page or change channel!

You can read about the functions on the Channel display on page 61 of the downloadable 'PSR-S950 Reference Manual', with the specific parameters involved in Quantization on page 62.

Remember to SAVE your edited song once you have finished!

B) In MixMaster ( (, Open the file, depress ListView/Other/Process Events.  SaveAs the file

