Hi all.
1. Has anyone scanned hand written music successfully using the scanner in iOS 12.
2. Does anyone know of any scanning software that can scan H W Music well.
If not, I guess the next best thing would be to manually input it into Musescore , then upload it as a PDF.
Sometimes I just take a photo on my iPad Pro, good camera.
You can edit the photo, crop and adjust the black & white.
Then import the photo to SongBook+
Thanks Pino.
I have just used the scanner on the new iPad Pro & it turned out excellent.
I will try a photo for comparison.
The deluxe version of Forte Notation has a module for scanning written/printed sheet music and converting it to digital sheet music, but I don't know how well it works with hand-written music.
The quality, font face, and "spotlessness" of printed music can vary greatly depending on its age, such as due to yellowing, smudging, creasing, tearing of the paper, addition of hand-written comments, etc., as well as whether it's the original printed copy, a poor mimeograph of the original, or even a copy of a copy of a copy, etc. These sorts of things can greatly impact how well software can convert scanned sheet music into digital music. Even with the most sophisticated programs the initial result might be littered with errors and would need to be carefully reviewed and manually corrected afterward, just as is the case with OCR (optical character recognition) software for text.
Now consider the tremendous amount of variation in different people's handwriting, or even between the same person's handwriting from hour to hour and day to day depending on how carefully and how quickly something was written. As you can imagine, any "computer-translated" conversion of scanned hand-written music would need to be reviewed and edited even more carefully than printed music.
Michael I can appreciate what you say, especially with the great number of variations in the quality & quantity of sheet music, both printed & hand written.
I will continue on with the scanner in the iPad at present.
Thanks for the reply.
It isn't impossible, just imperfect. You can scan some sheet music-- hand-written or otherwise-- and let a particular piece of software do its best job at converting it into digital sheet music. You just have to realize that it will be necessary to review the results carefully to find any mistakes made, then correct them manually.
Best to keep everything on the iPad Pro
Easy to 'open in'. SongBook or other PDF reader.