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Problem with soft ware G2

Started by Whitecolin11, Mar 24, 2025, 03:01 PM

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I was doing an update for a a YEM pack the problem seemed to arise when i added the bonus playlist and discover genos
it seemed as though it was only picking certain ppi, this has never happened before on the G2
Any ideas
ps i reinstalled YEM again and also target keyboard

Thank you


As those are the latest releases, my first guess is make sure your YEM is the latest version (remember, they had to update YEM after sx920/sx720 released). I think it's V2.11.0 now, when G2 launched I believe the latest was V2.9.0. Make sure you don't have 2.9 or 2.10

2nd is I've had weird things like that happen when one of my expansion packs corrupted; that took *a while* to track down; in the end I kept removing packs until the install pack fully worked, and then re-installed those packs into YEM *and* even them, some didn't work, so I had to re-download those packs and re-install into YEM.


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Mark Wilburn


Thanks buddy this happened once after it wouldn't allow me to add superior pack in G1 and it was stuck in tha app data.