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New to the CVP709

Started by Acr, Nov 09, 2017, 05:57 AM

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Hi Everyone,
My name is Tony and I'm new to this forum. I have recently taken delivery of a Yamaha CVP709 which I hope to be able to enjoy in my retirement years. I have previously owned a Hammond organ and a Technics piano but never got round to regular studies and practice. The 709 is a really impressive instrument but I have to admit, I find the number of control buttons frightening. I've had the 709 now for a couple of weeks and I am getting a lot of pleasure from using the basic piano and drums. Before I bought my piano, I watched a UTUBE presentation of a CV 709 and noticed that the musician was pulling up songs from his music finder which I don't have. Does anybody know if there is a way that I can add more songs to my music finder. I have tried the Yamaha web sites without success. Any advice you may have for a novice would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Tony



Welcome Tony,

I think you could try one of the tools here (look under the Sorenson Tab or Bedesem Tab.
The music finder applications that these two wrote do not officially support a cvp709 but they do support a 609. You could try if that works for a cvp709 as well or ask them if there is another way with a post in the music finder section. They are both very responsive  and willing to help if you ask your questions there.

Not sure about Michael Bedesem's MF viewer (it's ment for converting MF files to another model) but Jørgen Sorenson's FM manager can exchange records of a MF file to another file. Or in other words have two MF files open at once on your pc and add records from one to another.

I added my old T4 MF files that is filled with 2500 records. You can test the programs with that :) I personally prefer to use registrations instead of MF since these registrations are capable of a zillion things more like helping you thru an entire song sinstead of only the start. Best of all with registrations is that you don;t even need to take yoru hands of the keys. You can set your cvp up to change registration buttons with a foot pedal.

hope this was of any help to you,

Peter 8)


Hi Peter,
I was really pleased to receive your advice and I will work through your suggestions. I realize that there is such a lot to start getting used to on the 709 but I'm looking forward to the challenge. It certainly helps to know that there are helpful supportive people like you around to help me get there. Once again, very many thanks.
My best regards,

Joe W

Hi, Tony,

If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to visit the main PSR Tutorial web site.  Of the many things you will find there are a whole series of lessons on how the Yamaha Arranger keyboards work.  As it turns out there is a lot of similarity to the CVP.  The arrangers have the music finder feature and the lessons there tell you how it works, how you can edit entries, put your own entries in, and even replace the database that comes with the keyboard with different ones.  Here's a direct link to that MusicFinder section:

Not only can you learn about Music Finder databases (MFDs), there are also quite a few provided in the "Styles" section under "Other Files".  Here's a link to the MFD page:

Welcome to the PSR Tutorial!


You are welcome Tony,

I forgot to add my Tyros 4 Music Finder file, silly me :)



[attachment deleted by admin]

Roger Brenizer

Hi Tony,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I'm sure you're going to learn a great deal about your new CVP-709 piano here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

You'll want to be sure to visit the Home page and check out some of the tutorials you will find links to there.  This link will take you to the Home page of the website, which Joe Waters also referenced above:

Should you later decide to become a supporting member, which will include lifetime membership, other forum boards will become available to you, as well as a wealth of additional musical knowledge; however, there is absolutely no obligation to do so.  You may also use the following link to discover the full benefit of becoming a Supporting Member of the PSR Tutorial.,15536.0.html

You'll also gain access to an Excel Song Index database, made available to supporting members by our good friend Peter (XeeniX), which presently contains 41,000+ song titles in 670 indexed books.  This index is updated often.

In lieu of making a donation only, you may also order any of the websites resources, which can be found at the following link:

Joe Waters updated "Supporting the PSR Tutorial", on August 27, 2017, which can be found here:

Finally, if you would like to be included in our PSR Tutorial Member Map that will allow you to place your Pin on the map, which will disclose your location to other forum members, you'll find information at the following link:

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We're so glad you've decided to become a member and very happy you've decided to become a part of this great forum family.  If you have any questions, then please just ask.  There are many members here that are always very willing to help you.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Contact Us


Thank you for your welcome to your forum Roger. You certainly have provided me with a lot of info and it looks like I will be spending the whole weekend working my way through it all. I've received a message from Joe W so I will have a go at becoming a supporter. As I'm a complete novice with a Yamaha I'm sure I'm going to find the help from members very rewarding.
Again, many thanks,



Hi Tony,

If you are still looking for the Yamaha 'full' MusicFinder Database file for your CVP-709, here is a link to it on the UK Yamaha website.

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The file contains almost 2000 records, but the download is in a zip archive so you will need to 'unzip' it to a USB drive to transfer it to your 709.     Note that this is the same file that is available at Joe W's link, which is not zipped and so you may prefer to download it from there.

You will find instructions on how to load it on page 87 of the 'Owner's Manual'.

Unfortunately the instructions for Editing and Creating/Adding your own records in the Music Finder are in the 'Reference Manual' which is not usually supplied with the keyboard in hard copy form.  However if you need it, you can download it as a '.pdf' file from the page at this link...

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The section 'Creating/Editing Music Finder Records' starts on page 32.




Hi Ian,
Really grateful to have received the information from you. I am really pleased to be a part of your forum and I look forward to the day that I might be able to help others as you have done. As I am a complete novice could you help me with a small problem that I am having with the site. I can respond to a posting by going to the reply button at the bottom of the page but I can't figure out how I reply to an earlier posting. For example, on this thread I would like to send a posting or a reply to Xeen1X and Joe W. I think I must be missing something as I can't find there way to do this. Again many thanks for your help. Regards, Tony

Joe W

Tony, it is possible to reply to different comments in your thread by doing it in one of your replies. For example,

Joe, hi there, loved your comments.

Xeenix, can't wait to try your registrations.

If you want to provide a more personal reply, click on the envelope you see by under the poster's name.  That takes you to our email system so you can send an email message to that person.  You can alternatively, take down the posters userID, and then go to "My Messages" menu bar at top, and address a message to that userID.  The mail "system" sends your note to their regular email account.  It provides a link back to the forum email in case they want to reply to your note.  This system allows members to exchange email without necessarily making their email address public.


Hi Joe,

Many thanks for getting in touch and thank you for providing me with the links. As I may have said already I am a complete novice with thus type of instrument (CVP709) so I am finding it all quite a challenge. Having said that, I have to say that the piano setting is truly amazing. I have appreciate all the valued advice. Have received from your members since joining your Forum a few days ago. Incredible support. Thanks t you all. Over the next couple of days I will take the necessary steps to upgrade my membership and I look fraud to progressing with my basic musical ability with he Forum's help.
Again many thanks and my best regards



Hi Peter
I hope you get this. I received advice from Joe on ha t reply to earlier postings on this thread. If you do, I received your attachment. Thank you. The file is quite small. It's that correct? Forgive me for appearing t be a bit thick but I downloaded the file to a USB stick but I was unable to load the file not my CVP 709. Obviously doing something not quite right.
Best regards


Hi Joe,

I've just taken a look at your products on offer but I'm a bit confused on what I should order. Do I need to order a USB drive and which items on the Data collections are suitable for a CVP 709.
Best regards


Joe W

Quote from: Acr on Nov 11, 2017, 12:24 PM
Hi Joe,

I've just taken a look at your products on offer but I'm a bit confused on what I should order. Do I need to order a USB drive and which items on the Data collections are suitable for a CVP 709.
Best regards


Many of the styles and midi files available in the collection are also present on the main site.  You can download samples of both to see what works or doesn't on the CVP.  Many, but not all, of the PSR Performers have midi files available for dowload.  They, like the various style collections are compressed into a "zip" file.  You download the zip file to your computer and then unzip it to get to the included files.  On the Mac, you would simply "open" the zip file and the Mac makes a folder with all the contents of the zip file.  On the Windows PC, double-clicking on a zip file opens another window showing you the contents, which you can then use drag and drop to move them to your hard drive or to a USB drive.

The collections are provided as emailed links to large zip files that you can download.  This gives you quick and easy access to thousands of styles or midi files.  The USB option is there for those who don't want to spend time downloading and unzipping, or are not comfortable doing this.  If you were to include a USB drive in your order, then all the collections you order are copied to that USB drive, unzipped and ready to use, and then mailed out to you.



Peter, 1000 apologies. I sorted the file on the link you sent to me. It was my computer illiteracy at fault. Brilliant!  I'm over the moon with the result. I'm now sorting out the task of  becoming a supporter. I cant thank you guys on the Forum enough.

Best regards




Just getting round to sorting out my 709. I want to purchase a Styles file but unsure as to whether I should get a Style 10 or 11.

Any ideas,



Hi Tony,

Since you own a CVP709 I'd go for disk 11. Although the CVP only has a Main and layer voice (Right hand 1 + 2 so to speak) and the S970 (disk 10) is a newer model when compared to Tyros 5 (disk 11) The Tyros 5 has more or less the same voices as a CVP709. The S970 has less voices when compared with the CVP and Tyros 5. In short: The styles on disk 11 will sound better since these make use of the same assortiment voices as your CVP.

(btw I answerred your PM ;) )



Many thanks Peter. All is now much clearer.
Best regards


Although there are a lot of buttons, for the most part you can ignore them, because pretty much everything can be controlled/ accessed on the 709 via the touch screen. On the home screen, touch the left and it accesses all the styles, touch the middle to select voices, or menu to see everything.
Experiment and you will be surprised how easy it is, ask questions here when you get stuck.


Many thanks Mike. As I'm a complete novice with this type of piano/keyboard, the advice I am receiving through the virus is really helpful. I've pretty well found my way round styles and Music Finder but I would like to organize a programme of tunes using Registrations. This has proved to be quite difficult to do but with a great deal of help from the firm, I think I am getting there. I appreciated your tip on better use of the screen. I tried it out and it makes life a lot easier.
Many thanks