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Unaxpected error

Started by amadeusorrento, Feb 07, 2025, 06:03 AM

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Good morning
I purchased a PSR SX920 about twenty days ago (I had all the previous versions).
Yesterday while I was playing the keyboard it stopped giving me a screen with "unexpected error" and I only solved it when I turned the instrument off and on again.
Has this problem happened to anyone? I updated to version V1.11



I acutally have, but not since updating it to 1.11

Previously it was almost always after loading a custom style or registration (that I didn't create myself) but I've had no such BSOD since; perhaps double check your firmware?


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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: amadeusorrento on Feb 07, 2025, 06:03 AMGood morning
I purchased a PSR SX920 about twenty days ago (I had all the previous versions).
Yesterday while I was playing the keyboard it stopped giving me a screen with "unexpected error" and I only solved it when I turned the instrument off and on again.
Has this problem happened to anyone? I updated to version V1.11


Have you installed expansion packs, custom styles?
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


I haven't installed any expansions, but I often modify or create my own styles from the USB. I like to use the STYLE CREATOR ASSEMBLY or create new Styles. When it failed I was playing one of these styles

Leading Edge

I had exactly the same problem.  It was caused by a 3rd party style.  When I removed the offending the style the problem was resolved.  I called Yamaha for help on this problem and they immediately asked if I had loaded and new 3rd party styles as this could have caused the problem.  Luckily, I remembered the last style I had added so it was easy to remove the offending style.


I use third party styles as they fit my music. My SX920 was frozen twice while practicing at home, and I'm really concerned about this.
I just updated to V1.11 and hope it fixes.


Quote from: ticktock on Feb 23, 2025, 07:52 PMHi,
I use third party styles as they fit my music. My SX920 was frozen twice while practicing at home, and I'm really concerned about this.
I just updated to V1.11 and hope it fixes.

The problem occurred with version 1.11, unfortunately


Same here.  The keyboard starts to slow down then the buttons become unresponsive.  Only recourse is to power off/on.  Not good as I play in public.


I had the same problem with the keyboard getting slow and freezing completely! I contacted Yamaha and they sent me a list of compatible pendrives. I bought one with the conditions stated by Yamaha and the problem persists! It happened in version 1.1.0 and continues in 1.11 and Yamaha doesn't even want to know about the case, even though the device is under warranty.


My personal opinion, which you will agree with: This (freezing) should never happen no matter what circumstances. Saying that this happens because you're using 3rd party styles is not an acceptable excuse!
I'm saying this, because my SX700 never ever froze -believe me, I have experimented with styles a lot.

The question is, what can you do? One option is to wait for new firmware (if Yamaha decides to make it) and hope that it will resolve the issue.
Second option is to find out what exactly it is in particular style that makes keyboard to freeze. Once we know that, someone could write a short program which would quickly check if style is compatible (before you load it into keyboard). To find out what causes the problem, we need that particular problematic style and study it. It's just an idea.. no guarantee  :)

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: BogdanH on Mar 11, 2025, 05:10 AMMy personal opinion, which you will agree with: This (freezing) should never happen no matter what circumstances. Saying that this happens because you're using 3rd party styles is not an acceptable excuse!
I'm saying this, because my SX700 never ever froze -believe me, I have experimented with styles a lot.


That's my experience also. I use 3rd party styles from all over the place and 'freezing' has not happened to me on my S900 or my SX720 (yet, this is fairly new).

Is your keyboard connected to a computer/tablet of some sort, and does that have software that connects to the keyboard? That might cause an issue, it has for me now and again, and closing or restarting the program fixes things. But the styles themselves haven't caused any issues.
PSR S900 SX720


It seems to me that on the new SX operating system there is a problem with error detection and what the software does with a problem style ..I'm busy sorting out which styles I want to keep which means loading each and every style and either put it in a keep pile or a reject pile.  So far with two folders each with around 200 styles in each my Tyros 4 found two "bad" styles and it's error detection software did a perfect job and displayed the error and one could simply say OK and move on. The fact that the SX720 and 920 OS freezes the keyboard on what is supposedly a bad style is totally wrong and I'm sure the 720 and 920's will soon get a new version of the existing firmware.
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Quote from: ChrisH on Mar 11, 2025, 06:06 AMIt seems to me that on the new SX operating system there is a problem with error detection and what the software does with a problem style .. The fact that the SX720 and 920 OS freezes the keyboard on what is supposedly a bad style is totally wrong and I'm sure the 720 and 920's will soon get a new version of the existing firmware.
I don't think there's any issue with error detection. I've had two issues with my SX720. One where I tried to play an audio file that was in the wrong format. The keyboard told me it couldn't play it, so it detected that correctly and when I sorted the format it played it no problems.
The other where it hangs and the KB buttons make noise I think we have traced to a computer program running, which is why I commented that above. I'm still experimenting with this issue but the file and/or keyboard don't seem to be an issue unless the program is running. And I do remember similar issues years ago with computer/midi programs causing hang ups.
PSR S900 SX720


Before buying the sx920 I had the sx900 with the same stylus, voices, etc... and the sx900 never crashed!