Seeking your help with an issue please

Started by AmirInTexas, Mar 10, 2025, 01:52 PM

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Hello everyone,
I had 3 expansion packs installed previously.  I modified some styles from these expansion packs, changed drumkits, bass, etc on some styles I copied and pasted drums from other styles, i.e mixed styles together.  I saved the styles in user folder.  Hours of hard work as you can imagine.

Last night, I came upon another expansion pack so I added that new expansion pack to the other 3 I had and packaged and loaded them, now all of my styles that are in user folder don't work correctly as they lost their mapping.

Before all of these I took a backup and restored the backup and still didn't fix the issue.  I also, loaded my previous package without the new expansion pack and still messed up.

Is this something I can fix or I have to redo everythinbg?


This is slightly complicated, but I suspect one or more of your expansion packs, the LSB number was changed. Find out what they were by looking at your modified styles, and check the MSB LSB of the expansion voices used in the style (you can check in style creator, then the channel event edit page, but you have to make sure all events are checked visible on, by default MSB LSB events are hidden)

Note this should *not* happen with Yamaha's own packs, but it tends to happen with custom created ones (and more annoyingly, almost everyone makes them with the assumption that you can assign LSB = 0 to your pack... which can cause conflicts if you have multiple custom packs that need that same LSB).

I forgot which program, but there is a style editor that would let you change all the LSB mappings in the style to whichever LSB your expansion pack is assigned in (you can see the LSB assignments in YEM)


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Mark Wilburn


Thank you for this explanation by the way.  How do you think LSB was changed from the first time I loaded it and then the repackaged?  Does Yamaha Manager changes the lsb?


hi Amir,
As Mark said, this MSB-LSB-PCn changes only happen for custom "user" voices which have MSB=63 (Normal voice) or MSB=62 (Drum voice). In almost all Yamaha expansion packs different MSB value is used, which prevents MSB-LSB-PCn values to be changed.
Normal custom "user" voice (created in YEM) can only have value MSB=63. How about LSB value? Well, that depends in which pack the voice is loaded. Let me explain...

Let's say we have nothing in YEM and then we import one custom pack which only has one custom voice (MSB=63). If we check MSB-LSB-PCn data for that pack in YEM (Edit Program Change), then we will see that the voice has MSB=63,LSB=0,PCn=1 values.
Now delete that pack (so YEM become empty again), create new empty pack (or just import some pack) and then additionally import the previous pack which only has that single custom voice inside. Now check that pack and you will see that values for that voice has changed to MSB=63,LSB=1,PCn=1.
If you now move/copy that voice into the pack that you created first, LSB will become 0 again.

That is, as we increase the number of packs in YEM (by importing packs or by creating new packs), the LSB value increases. That means, to keep LSB values consistent, we should always import packs in the same sequence. In short, to make sure that our voice will always have, for example LSB=2, then the pack that contains this voice must be imported as third in the row (1st LSB=0, 2nd LSB=1, 3rd LSB=2, etc.).

I hope all above makes sense to you  :)
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Guys, I am so impressed with the knowledge of this group.  You two saved me days of work.  Everything back to normal now. 