Yamaha Education Suite (Y.E.S., including Chord Dictionary) useless?

Started by tf88, Jan 24, 2025, 11:35 AM

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Hi all,

I'm still at the beginning of learning to play (as an adult learner), and I'm not yet fixated on any genre of music. My plan is to start out with the fundamentals, meaning primarily basic exercises and music theory, not necessarily playing specific songs. But I thought it might be beneficial (or even fun?) to also make use of Yamaha's "Education Suite" (Y.E.S.) with its 3-step learning program. I also thought the "chord dictionary" could be really useful. Both used to be included in all PSR-E keyboards until recently.

But I came across a second-hand PSR-EW410 (I wanted a 76-key keyboard) that I bought for its very low price. This is one of the newer 4xx top-of-the-line PSR-E models from which Yamaha removed both the Y.E.S. and the Chord Dictionary (as well as "Keys to Success"), while they were retained in the lower models.

Now there is a PSR-EW400 (the predecessor of the EW410 which still has the two features) on offer fairly close to my place for almost the same price (only a bit more), and I'm wondering if it's worth buying this one as well, just for Y.E.S. and chord dictionary. All other differences between the two models are irrelevant for my decision. That would mean yet another trip to a seller, and spending more money than I actually wanted, at least until I can sell the EW410 again (possibly at a loss). I wonder if the learning features are worth the hassle.

I have seen some online reviewers/influencers bash those traditional Yamaha onboard learning features as "outdated", and touting the virtues of online courses, but I certainly don't want take one of those. I'd rather get real in-person lessons with a real teacher. Yamaha themselves obviously found those features dispensable on their higher-end PSR-E's, and maybe only kept them on the 3xx/2xx models just for marketing purposes.

So, do you think the onboard learning features are of any value or not?

(And if you want to know, yes, I actually like some of the old built-in songs, or at least would find them okay for learning purposes.)

Oh, and another aspect: The only external add-on solution I could think of would be some MIDI-connected app (no subscription, please) that in effect does about the same, preferably with songs you can feed into it yourself.



Modern versions of YES is really useless because of music teachers protests before cca 20+ years ago.

Nowadays YES is only education assistant, not learning system.

If you want to have full teaching system, you need to get EZ20, EZ30, EZ250i. Or not lighting versions in PSR about 160 to 295, maybe up to 360 but you need to check if it has the "Minus One" as 3. step. But teaching with LCD versions is very very hard.

YES in the old system have these steps:

Before learning just play selected song and feel with it.

1. Timing L or R or both
2. Waiting L or R or both
3. Minus one L or R or both (combination timing and waiting together)

Both hands is "like" 4. step, just press both hands at selected level.

This MINUS ONE is fully qualified teacher and it is missnig on modern keyboards.

If you want to learn read score, you need songbook for this keyboards which is not available in yamaha downloads.


If you are a beginner, I wouldn't put too much faith in these gimmicky learning tools. Learning to play keyboard, even to a starter level, takes time, patience and dedication, and there are no apps or toys that will significantly shortcut the process.
Having said that, you already have the no 1 thing that can shorten the time to be playing at least some tunes - an arranger. It's designed to be easy play.
To achieve this you need to ——
1. Know the very basic functions of the keyboard ie how to select and start a style and voice.
2. How to play a rh melody line. If you have aptitude to pick out melody by ear that may be helpful, but you should learn how to read a treble clef and where the notes are on the keyboard. That will let you use simple lead sheets. (Forget about full scores, that's way down the line...... if ever).
3. You need to know a few chord basics and how to read chords. But you only need to know a few chords 3 or 4 to get started. Just mastering those will be hard enough.
Some of the online courses are actually ok, and better than nothing. But remember that to get started you don't have to know everything, it's about knowing just enough, then doing it and progressing from there. Don't make the mistake of thinking you start by learning everything about the keyboard capabilities, or music theory. Not only will it not help, but it might turn you off.
Start with targeting very simple songs, three chords, easy melodies at slow pace.  I note that you say you don't have a preferred music genre - frankly that's irrelevant. Don't even think about it, because it's a long way off. You start  - as everyone does - at the 'jingle bells' level, no. matter which direction you might later take.
And stay realistic about what's achievable.  I'm afraid that keyboards are like gym equipment .....people start with great intentions, discover how hard it is and within months or weeks, it's in a cupboard!
Good luck