Started by Eze Dominic, Sep 10, 2021, 03:09 AM

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Eze Dominic

Hello Sir,

I have been trying to install free expansion pack (I downloaded from the internet) for my psr s670 from my USB flash ( well formated with FAT 32 file format) . But the installation keeps failing with an error message " some of the files failed to install" each time I try. Please how do I fix this? My keyboard is a brand new one. Does it have a problem? Please can someone help me on what I should do to load some songs into the expansion user.
Need to mention that I loaded the expansion pack to the USB flash using expansion manager software.
Please someone help. It's urgent!

Thanks for your anticipated response.

Remain blessed.


You need to unpack the Pack on your computer, enter the CPF in YEM (Yamaha Expansion Manager), mark it with a green check mark and finally store it on a USB Stick. Now on USB you have CPI format.
The YEM must have an instrument ID. See detailed instructions here
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or in this video playlist

regards, ckobu
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Eze Dominic

Hello CKOBU,

Thanks a lot for your prompt response.  Yes, I first of all formated my USB flash on my laptop with Fat 32 file format. Took it to the psr S670 and uploaded the system Information file in it. Next I took the USB to my laptop where I installed free YEM, plugged it and imported the keyboard system Information into it. Next I then imported some  of the expansion packs ( Chinese, western Euro, Indian packs etc) which I downloaded earlier and unpacked (They either have . Ppf, or . Cpf file formats) into the YEM. Next, I selected the pack I wanted to install - marked green. They were not more than the user memory 30 mb. I then saved it on the USB stick after renaming it with .cpi extension format. Next I took the USB to the keyboard to install the pack. I plugged it and it was recognized,  I pressed Function- tab - unpack installation- I selected the file and and install then the installation starts. Than after few seconds into the installation, an error message " INSTALLATION IS COMPLETED SOME FILES FAILED TO INSTALL". But after the keyboard restarts, and I go to User expansion, I will find no expansion packs in it. PLEASE WHAT DO I DO. I m stuck  on the way now.   

Is my keyboard bad? Why is it not  responding?



The procedure you described is correct. You need to check two things. Are you sure the file is on a USB cpi? Isn't it a coincidence cqi? In addition to the size of the Pack, you should also pay attention to other values that are related to the psr sx670. (picture)

It is very likely that the problem is not up to the keyboard, but you are making a mistake somewhere in the procedure. To check this, download the Latin Pack for psr s670 and you have a ppi file in it. Just put it on a USB stick and try to install.
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Eze Dominic

Once again thank you for your response. I already have the Latin expansion pack downloaded however, it has a .cpf extension.

Is it possible to mix . Cpf and .cpp files in one cpi file?

Thanks in advance.


Quote from: Eze Dominic on Sep 10, 2021, 07:46 AM... Is it possible to mix . Cpf and .cpp files in one cpi file?...

Hi Eze Dominic,

yes, you have to import all cpf or ppf Pack files into YEM (version 2.7.0 or 2.8.1), then click your Install Target, select all desired Packs and click "Save as Pack Install File" to save your .cpi file to the USB stick.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Eze Dominic

Thanks you so much Chris. I think we are coming close to resolving the issues. Presently I'm using  YEM 2.6 on win 7. Does it mean it can't combine the two file extension formats? I mean . Ppf & .cpf? Could this be the reason why the error say " some files failed to install"? Please which file extension formats run smoothly in the device psrS670  with out combination of file extensions which YEM 2.6 can create?.

Looking forward to your assistance.
Thanks and remain blessed.



Is the CPF file a version for the S670? Otherwise it will not work. PPF files do not have this limitation.
SX900 and Casio CT-S500
Former keyboards: E433, E463, S670, SX700


Quote from: Eze Dominic on Sep 10, 2021, 07:46 AM
Once again thank you for your response. I already have the Latin expansion pack downloaded however, it has a .cpf extension.

Is it possible to mix . Cpf and .cpp files in one cpi file?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Dominic,

cpp does not exist as a format.
YEM 2.6.0 is good and is not the cause of your problem. Watch the video, transfer the ppi to a USB stick and try to install it.
If that's OK, then you go ahead with using YEM and creating Pack for installation.

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Eze Dominic

Thanks CKOBU, for the video. I watched it. Copied the ppi to the USB stick. Then I went to the device and tried to install as usual but the installation was aborted with same error message " some files failed to install".
I even tried to import the ppi file into YEM but it didn't recognize the file.

Any further help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.


I think you should try another USB stick because this installation method with the original ppi has to pass.

If that doesn't help, then the keyboard is really faulty. This is unlikely but never known.
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Eze Dominic

I changed the USB stick and got the same result. May be the keyboard is faulty.


Make sure you have the latest version of the Firmware in the psr s670.
Must be 1.0.4. and if not, make an upgrade.
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If the Pack installation does not pass after that, perform a factory reset.
This procedure deletes all USER keyboard data, so make sure you have made a proper backup.

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Eze Dominic

I sincerely wish to express my profound gratitude to CKOBU and Chris for their responses and useful suggestions to the issues I brought to this forum.

After checking the firmware version I found it is 1.0.4, I proceeded to resetting the keyboard. Next I tried reinstalling the pack and it was a huge success 👍. Thanks guys for being there. I'm grateful.
I also noticed that the voices I programed to the Registration Memory was lost. But that's ok.

I also want to know if programming the registration memory blocks installation of Expansion pack on the device?

Lastly, how can I convert a ppi file to .cpi or . Ppf file?


Is it possible to make my own expansion pack using YEM?

Many thanks to you, remain blessed as I look forward to more of your responses. I'm really learning.


Great, all you had to do was reset.
I suggest you watch this video Paylist on the use and installation of Packs and there are all the answers to your questions.

Instructions for Yem can be downloaded from here.

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You cannot convert ppi or cpi to another format, they are only for installation in the keyboard.

You can create your own Pack, a lot has been written about it on the forum.
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I'm having the same issue now, I did factory reset (but not all file and regist) but it still saying "Some file failed to install". I'm using a S775 with version 1.0, I was trying to add an audio file into the keyboard, please help me

