Expansion pack "Grand Orgue" for PSR-S770, 970 and Tyros 5 with PPF file

Started by Disco Musette, Apr 24, 2019, 09:41 AM

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Disco Musette

Attached is the PPI file "Jeux d'orgues.rar" that I just finished (adapted on PSR-S770/75 and S970/75 - Tyros 5 - PSR SX700/900).
Adaptation of the "Jeux d'orgues.ppf" file possible for all these keyboards via Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM).
The recording was made on 30 September 2000 on the Stiehr-Mockers Classical organ in Romanswiller (France),
without modifying the natural sound environment.

In addition: some Classic MIDI organ files.

Composition of the organ:

0 - Bourdon 16'   
1 - Montre 8'   
2 - Bourdon 8'   
3 - Salicional 8'   
4 - Octave 4'   
5 - Flûte 4'   
6 - Doublette 2'   
7 - Fourniture 3 rangs (1')   
8 - Cornet 5 rangs
9 - Plein jeu
10 - Trompette 8'
11 - Principal 8' 4'
12 - Principal 8' 4' 2'
13 - Fond 8'
14 - Fonds 8' 4'
15 - Fond 8' 2'
16 - Grand jeu
17 - Grand plein jeu

18 - Bourdon 8'   
19 - Prestant 4'   
20 - Nasard 2'2/3   
21 - Doublette 2'   
22 - Tierce 1'3/5   
23 - Cymbale 3 rangs (1/2')
24 - Petit plein jeu
25 - Hautbois 8'
26 - Fonds 8' 4'
27 - Fonds 8' 2'
28 - Nazard

29 - Soubasse 16'
30 - Flûte 8'
31 - Trompette 8'
32 - Prestant 4'
33 - Fonds 16' 8'
34 - Plein jeu
35 - Tutti

Download :

PPI file for PSR-S770 : [Link removed]

PPF File for PSR-S770/75 - S970/75 - Tyros 5 - PSR SX700 and SX900 : [Link removed]
Import the PPF file into YEM (Yamaha Expansion Manager) and make your own .ppi file for your S770/75 - S97075 - Tyros 5 - PSR SX700/900.

Ins file for Cakewalk or Sonar : [Link removed]

Organ songs for example : [Link removed]

Good entertainment

Christian (Normandie - France)

Edit: No longer working Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login links removed by overover


Seems very nice.
Should it be possible to use also in Genos?

Disco Musette

Hello Togge,

Yes it's possible :

- Install the latest version of the Yamaha Expansion Manager 2.5 or higher, which is available here: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login.

- Create a GENOS Instrument Info. To do this, connect a USB flash drive to Genos, and select: Menu2 - Expansion - Export Instrument Info.

- Import the Instrument Info to the Yamaha Expansion Manager (Install Target +).

- Import the .ppf file of the pack to be converted into the Yamaha Expansion Manager (My Packs +). You can drag the .ppf file into the space below My Packs.
If this does not work, use the "Import Pack" function, accessible with the "+" symbol. If the pack is already in the Expansion Manager, a new import is not required.

- Select Install Target ,,Genos..." and mark and mark all Voices, Registrations, and Multi Pads in the pack so that green check marks appear everywhere.

- Click on "Save as Pack Install File" in the top right corner. Subsequently, a Genos installation file (.ppi) is generated. Alternatively, the function "Send to Instrument" can be used, but with PC version 2.5 it might not  work yet.

- Copy the .ppi file to a USB flash device and connect it to the GENOS.

- Execute the installation of the Expansion Pack in GENOS (Menu2 - Expansion - Pack Installation).

Christian (Normandie - France)


Hi, I am interested in downloading this expansion file, but the link has been removed. Are you able to repost. I would like to put this GrandOrgue expansion on my Genos 1.
Thank you!!


Hi Tom,

Apparently the OP Christian (Disco Musette) is no longer a member of our forum. I have therefore re-uploaded the "Grand Orgue.ppf" pack file and the zip file containing the example MIDI files. Please use the following download links:
>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)




My pleasure, Tom. Thanks for your kind feedback! :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I downloaded the files, hoping they might work on my Genos2. If not, at least I tried.

I have Grand Orgue loaded on my PC and can use the organ voices that way, but using them on the Genos2 would be even better.


Quote from: RayClem on May 04, 2024, 05:33 PM
I downloaded the files, hoping they might work on my Genos2. If not, at least I tried.

I have Grand Orgue loaded on my PC and can use the organ voices that way, but using them on the Genos2 would be even better.

Hi Ray, to use these.Voices on Genos2, download the file "Grand Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login" via the link in my post above and unzip it on your computer.

Then import the unzipped file "Gramd Orgue.ppf" into the YEM (Yamaha Expansion Manager) program on the computer. Finally install the pack on Genos2. You can use the WiFi method ("Send to Instrument") or the USB stick method ("Save Pack Install File" > connect the stick to Genos2, then use "Menu > Pack Installation").

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Can anyone help me out with the file for the pipe organ sounds for my psr sx 920. or share some registrations for a pipe organ sequence from soft to loudest? Looking for something close to a real pipe organ sound.


Can anyone repost the PPI file "Jeux d'orgues.rar"?