I need an Voice From the PSR S670

Started by Jerry Jemson, Dec 21, 2017, 03:32 AM

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Jerry Jemson

My friend has an PSR S670 it has an Voice Called as 'DynoDistortion' which is an CLV Format File...it has Good Dynamics that if I play it soft the Voice Sounds like Strumming a Distortion and if I play Hard it sounds like Sustaining the Distortion...I searched in my S970 and There was no voice like that in all the Legacy GM XG and the Guitar Section too...so I copied the File from S670 and tried playing it in My S970 the dynamics in the voice has gone...the Strumming sound is not coming...only the Sustaining sound is coming...Can anyone suggest me what to do?Iam in deep need of that voice...😞😞


According to the PSR-S670 Data List, the DynoDistortion voice is MSB 0, LSB 118, PGM 31. (I've left the PGM number offset by +1, as it's given in the Data List.) As you say, there is no such voice on the PSR-S970. There are a few suggestions you could try:

You could try using another guitar voice that uses PGM 31, to see whether it comes anywhere close to what you're looking for:

StereoRock - MSB 104, LSB 2, PGM 31
GuitarHero - MSB 104, LSB 0, PGM 31
HeavyRock - MSB 104, LSB 1, PGM 31
PowerLead - MSB 0, LSB 115, PGM 31
CrunchGuitar - MSB 0, LSB 113, PGM 31
DistortionGuitar - MSB 0, LSB 112, PGM 31
HeavyStack - MSB 0, LSB 114, PGM 31
MetalMaster - MSB 0, LSB 120, PGM 31
PowerChord - MSB 0, LSB 117, PGM 31
VodooLead - MSB 0, LSB 116, PGM 31
DistortionGuitar - MSB 0, LSB 0, PGM 31
FeedbackGuitar - MSB 0, LSB 40, PGM 31
FeedbackGuitar2 - MSB 0, LSB 41, PGM 31
Distortion - MSB 121, LSB 0, PGM 31
FeedbackGuitar - MSB 121, LSB 1, PGM 31
DistortionRhythmGt - MSB 121, LSB 2, PGM 31

Or you could try using some other guitar voice that has "Dyn" in its name but doesn't use PGM 31:

DynamicMute - MSB 0, LSB 118, PGM 29
DynamicNylon - MSB 0, LSB 116, PGM 25
DynamicSteel - MSB 0, LSB 116, PGM 26

Or you could try using some other guitar voice that has "Dist" in its name, not otherwise listed above:

DistortionGuitar - MSB 8, LSB 0, PGM 6

If there are no voices that come anywhere close to what you want, you could try taking one of the guitar voices and modifying its filter cutoff/resonance settings and/or adding DSP effects to it.

Jerry Jemson

Thank u so much...I tried the Power lead and Crunch Guitar...it sounds the same like the DynoDistortion...Thank u so much for the Quick Response...


I'm glad it was easy enough to find a similar voice! I was afraid none of them would have the dynamic type of response that you were looking for.