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Cubase 14 with Genos 2

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Dec 30, 2024, 09:47 AM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

Just getting used to my new computer and I have found that Cubase crashed 5 times whilst editing in Cubase 14.
I sent some crash dumps on to the Steinberg forum and someone that could read them told me from what he had read, it looks like Genos controllers interfering.
I am not a computer expert in the mechanics of computer programs,so i have opened a ticket to Steinberg tech support.
I might get an answer as they are pretty slow at replying as noted from the past.
To get over this I restart and go again.
If I just use VST Instruments Cubase 14 is rock solid.
Anyone on here having these problems using Genos 2 with Cubase.
With a new machine and Focusrite 4i4 4th gen, things are a lot faster with more quality in sound.
Just putting finishing touches on another song.
Mixing a song using the new Izotope Neutron with it's gain matching and sorting between masking instruments of the same frequency lets adjust instruments have own space. This makes everything clearer and not muddy.
 Use AB reference to compare song with a similar song it does not take too long.
AB Reference is great as it compares your song with another and you can match level, Adjust Dynamics Loudness & LUF's all together when comparing.
You hear the difference with sub,bass,mid's,hi mid's and top. All adjustable in this plugin to match all areas.
Little compression can do wonders and Mix finished. Turn to wave file then the mastering fun begins.
Little moves with everything for a little more sheen hopefully and use a limiter to get the right LUF'S ( Loudness units ).

Hope Everyone has a great New Year and hopefully no Storm Bert's

All The Best
John :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Hi John

Just out of curiosity, in what way are you using G2 as a controller?
Cubase 14 Pro / SpectraLayers 11 / Dorico 5 Pro / Genos 2 / Nektar P6 and P1 / Steinberg audio interfaces. Intel i7 with 64gb ram

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Yogi

That is a good one!!!

I gave up using Genos 2 as a controller.
I did a lot of research and came up with a second keyboard,  Arturia Keylab Mk3 49 keys.
I always record a midi song on Genos 2 and transfer to Cubase 14 and do a few edits like bum notes etc and generally tighten things up.
I do use a Steinberg CC121 controller which is great for midi and wave or vst instruments.
I have now got the Arturia Synth Collection and the Keylab Mk3 is great for controlling all the knobs on synths and you can set controllers easily for third party synths such as the Korg Collection and Sampletank.
I do mix vst with recorded Midi to Wav.
I must get deeper into vst but i do get sidetracked when playing the Genos 2 and learning the art of mix and mastering.

All the Best
John :)

The Arturia keylab Mk3 49 key and is very light and does not take up much room is a steal at £160.
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Hi John,

I must confess my curiosity was born from the fact that I have never heard of anyone getting the G2 to work as a meaningful controller with Cubase. I myself settled on a Korg 'nano control studio controller' which has a built in preset map for Cubase. Small but very effective. Take a look at a random Youtube review link below as an example.


Cubase 14 Pro / SpectraLayers 11 / Dorico 5 Pro / Genos 2 / Nektar P6 and P1 / Steinberg audio interfaces. Intel i7 with 64gb ram