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Tyros 4 choir voices

Started by stehu, Dec 06, 2024, 04:39 PM

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Could someone send me the super articulation sounds from the choir category?
I would love to have them on my Tyros 3, but I can't find them anywhere.


Hi @stehu,

Unfortunately, this is not possible. Preset Voices cannot be copied.

If you "save" a specific Preset Voice, only a so-called User Voice file is created (also known as a Voice Set file or VCE Voice file, because one of the file extensions used for these file is ".vce"). A User Voice file is basically a MIDI file (SMF0 format). It only contains the voice settings (MIDI parameters) of the respective voice, but no Samples.

Such a User Voice only works if the original Preset Voice is available on the keyboard. If this Preset Voice is not available, the keyboard automatically tries to use a "similar" voice. In some cases, however, the voice remains silent. In any case, no Tyros4 Super Articulation Voice would sound on the Tyros3 if you loaded the corresponding Voice Set file (.sar).

You can download a zip file that contains the VCE Voice files of all Tyros4 Preset Voices using the following link. Unzip the zip file on your computer and copy the included "vce T4 Preset" folder to a USB stick. You can call up the voices on the Tyros3 directly from the USB stick (from the Voice Selection display), but as mentioned, the Super Articulation Voices will not work on the T3.
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● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
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