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dgx 670 rhythms that do not vary

Started by Ciropapariello, Nov 16, 2024, 10:53 AM

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Buonasera a tutti mi soffermo su un solo style di twist quando metto le variazioni torna sempre sulla prima variazione ,lo fa anche con altri style provate e fatemi sapere ,un altro mio amico lo stesso problema

Edited by Alex: (Translated by Google Translate)
Good evening everyone, I'm focusing on just one twist style, when I put the variations it always goes back to the first variation, it does the same with other styles, try it and let me know, another friend of mine has the same problem.

Alex Mercer

@Ciropapariello, Please post in English only, as we are an English speaking forum.

Graham UK

DGX670 contains a number of styles that auto change the variatiions dependant on your playing presure...Style are named ADAPTIVE.
Play hard moves Variation up...Play soft Variation moves down.

I find this feature works well and would like to be able edit other style to work like this.