How do I changing a style from within Cubase using SysEx

Started by yogi62, Nov 28, 2024, 03:57 AM

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Hi Guys,

Can anyone give details of the sysex format to enable me to select a particular style in my G2 from within Cubase. I know how to change/insert the program change messages but I am unclear of the correct breakdown of the style sysex. It would be helpful to understand each section of the sysex code

Cubase 14 Pro / SpectraLayers 11 / Dorico 5 Pro / Genos 2 / Nektar P6 and P1 / Steinberg audio interfaces. Intel i7 with 64gb ram


You can start learning from these documents.

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ckobu - Thank you for the quick response.

Having taken a look at the two documents it's clear it is not as straightforward as I had hoped. Given you can select any style on the Genos with a single press on the category menu, I had hoped that there would have been some kind of single style code that would make setting up the style via sysex fairly straightford. Clearly not the case. I used Mixmaster to list the sysex of a style but unfortunately it shows ALL the messages for ALL the channels which suggests I would have to breakdown the info and copy each section to separate channels within Cubase?

I think in my case, it would be more straightforward to note the style used and record as a multi-track midi directly into Cubase. Once recorded I can change voices easy enough and then whilst playing back through my Genos, record the audio output in realtime. If later I want to change anything all I need to do is pre-select the style I used on the Genos and edit the voices via Cubase.

Once again many thanks for the response and the links
Cubase 14 Pro / SpectraLayers 11 / Dorico 5 Pro / Genos 2 / Nektar P6 and P1 / Steinberg audio interfaces. Intel i7 with 64gb ram

Robert van Weersch

Quote from: yogi62 on Nov 28, 2024, 03:57 AM's y s e x' where blocked
The word 's e x' seems to be blocked. Because it would cause irreparable psychological damage to the delicate minds of our fellow members to encounter that word here ;)
Yamaha Tyros 5 76
Korg Liverpool (microArranger)


An easy way to change a style via a DAW (Digital Audio (and MIDI) Workstation) like Cubase, is to:
  • Press Record on Cubase
  • Select the desired style on Genos2
  • Stop recording on Cubase

Now you have the SysEx you need. When you play that back in Cubase, the Genos2 will switch to that style.

That's exactly what I did for a song in my DAW played by my Tyros4. My DAW (Reaper) controls everything by SysEx (Reset at the beginning at a song, pan, etc.):

Another option is to Record a MIDI file on your Genos and open that in Cubase. You have to figure out which part is the SysEx that changes the style.

Hope this helps.

Yamaha Genos2, Yamaha HS7 monitors + HS8S subwoofer, Reaper DAW


Hi Maarten,

Thank you for your response. The issues is that whilst I can multi-record into Cubase from the G2 and playback what I have recorded, the G2 does not send the initializing sys when it starts to play. This means that whilst it plays back the recording fine, it only does so providing the style I used to record is the same one selected on the G2. If I have a different style selected the instruments that playback are completely wrong. What is needed is for the G2 to send the initiating sys for EACH track when it starts to play.

The temporary solution is to write the name of the style used in the recording as a text track in Cubase and then pre-select that style before playing back via Cubase. However, this is not what I want to be able to do.

I'll investigate further to see how I can establish and then insert the correct sys at the start of each track, this I believe, should work.
Cubase 14 Pro / SpectraLayers 11 / Dorico 5 Pro / Genos 2 / Nektar P6 and P1 / Steinberg audio interfaces. Intel i7 with 64gb ram


Maarten - update on the work-around that works for me.

1.First I select a different style to the one I actually want to use.
2.Start multi-track recording in Cubase
3.Start play on G2 (for one or two bars)
4.Stop play on G2 - but leave Cubase recording
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6.Carry on and record the piece you originally wanted to record.
7.Stop the recording in Cubase
8.Split the tracks (The split point will be just before the sys for the second style)
9.Delete the first elements of the split tracks.
10.Move the remaining split tracks to the beginning of bar 1
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Whilst sounding long winded, using this method ensures ALL the sys are placed at the start of the playback so no matter what style is current on the G2, the play-back will always be reset by the sys to match the channel settings of the original style chosen for the recording.

PS: I really liked the video of 'Bicycles' - Nice one :)
Cubase 14 Pro / SpectraLayers 11 / Dorico 5 Pro / Genos 2 / Nektar P6 and P1 / Steinberg audio interfaces. Intel i7 with 64gb ram


That's not a workaround, but just the way things work.

Your list item #5 is the same as my second bullet in my post above. You really have to record the act of selecting the style.

P.S. Thanks for your kind words!

Yamaha Genos2, Yamaha HS7 monitors + HS8S subwoofer, Reaper DAW