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Potential purchase of PSR SX920

Started by StuCos, Nov 16, 2024, 05:58 PM

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Hi there,

I'm hoping to change from a an S970 to an SX920.

I currently have 184 registration banks which I created since I first bought a PSR 2000.

As I don't want to lose anything, I have just gone through the SX920 style list and have found that there are 72 styles which are currently being utilised in my registrations that are not included in the SX920. I also currently have in my S970 199 user styles, so that would make 271 user styles in total. I also have 509 user voices.

Does the SX920 have enough memory to take the 271 user styles, 509 user voices and 184 registration banks?




The answer is absolutely YES, and many more.
What is unpredictable Is the time required to tweak/adjust the registrations.

Nevertheless for me it's worth the effort, this SX920 Is a real portable Genos1.



Thanks for your response, Simone. As I'm retiring at the end of the year, I'll have plenty of time to do all the tweaking which you mention.

As a current owner of an SX920, have you found any negative issues with the keyboard?

Also, as I'm coming from 2 right hand voices to 3 right hand voices, I would first go through the one touch settings to see how these blend together, although, of course, you don't always have to use 3 RH voices, just like I don't always use 2 RH voices on the S970. How do you find the One Touch Settings?

Finally, I really enjoy playing Beatles songs and on the S970, the 60s Supergroup style is an Audio Style. However, I know that this is now a regular style on the SX920, so I'm just asking if this style does justice to those early 60s songs in the way that the Audio Style does.

Many thanks,



the jump into the SX series is huge. You will never regret it:
- The keybed is not the same of the Genos, but it's far better than the S-series
- The sound palette is much much wider, with several new mega-voices
- The DSP capability is also uncomparable (in terms of type and number of effects usable simultaneously)
- The interface with touch screen is also well designed

The only feature I'm still missing from the Tyros/S-series is the "repertoire" function...

I believe you have months of learning curve in front of you....



Thanks, Simone.

I think the ' Repertoire' function should be on a keyboard like the SX920 as standard. There will be many new styles suggesting a certain piece of music, but if you don't know what the piece of music should be, then you may choose not to play those particular styles which defeats the object. If you did have a song title but didn't have the music, then you could , at least, listen to the music and then decide whether to buy it or not, thus enhancing your musical education.

