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Playing styles on PC

Started by Mick47, Jul 23, 2024, 05:30 PM

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I placed a post with this heading 3 days ago..had 2 replies and now it's gone?
Help pls


Okay does anyone know a simple program to play and edit styles. Tried simplified style player but got some weird run around.
Any suggestions.



Quote from: Mick47 on Jul 23, 2024, 05:30 PM
I placed a post with this heading 3 days ago. Had 2 replies and now it's gone?

There was a Forum server glitch with possible loss of recent posts/messages -- pj


Yamaha xgworks will play styles, at least styles from years ago, modern styles , as far as I know, no chance, maybe someone knows better.


Have a look here:
I am using this style player already a longtime and I am satisfied. Only playing no editing.
I hope this information wil help.

Regards Ruud
Yamaha PSR-SX900
Yamaha PSR E463
Logitech Z623 Speakersystem


 jJazz Lab for PC is very good for this and its free.
i am a bit surprised it doesnt get much attention on this form.

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its a windows based program so you just create folder with styles you want to review. in the program they call styles ....rythms for some reasons.

=You can quickly load and review a style.
=You can play back the style using the included voices or you can connect a usb cable and use the voices on your keyboard.
=You can play the various parts of the style by selecting them
=You can create a chord progression which the style will follow
=You can have it play intro 1 intro 2 intro 3, variation 1234, ending.

With this program you don't need your keyboard to audition styles unless you wanna connect the usb cable and use internal voices. The synth included in the software is actually very good giving .

The software is very convenient in that you don't have to be in front of your keyboard to audition styles. You can select the styles and use your mouse to navigate the software and easily select style parameters you wish to audition. It's a lot better than leaning over your keyboard for hours.




Thanks Nova.Ruud and Oldden.
I seem to have some technical glitches  with midiplayer..not midiplayers fault.
I have actually loaded jjazzlab .
My problem is how to run it..not a great deal online re tuitorials.
I really want to know the steps to add .sty  files to the jjazzlab folder.
Then the steps to play and edit.
Ta Mick


Me too! app looks great but cant figure how to load a style.
DGX 670, PSR-E373 and PSS-480


Hi Mick and flailman,

Styles are called "Rhythm files" in the "JJazzLab" program. The JJazzLab online user guide describes exactly where the included "Rhythm files" are stored and how to add new/own ones:
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Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


The best thing to do is to go to the site and watch the videos. They are in French with sub titles.  Go slow , you will have to review it several times. I did !

Just focus on the creating a progression ,plying it back with different styles  and settings intro 123 v1234 e123.  It comes with a bunch of styles to get started. Once you work with these you will see how easy it is to add your own styles for review.

You can not edit a style but you can rename it or create a version specific for jazz lab.

You can create a midi compatible song , export it to your  psr  which all the rules of standard midi files.

There is an active form on the web site that offers  lots of answers.  The developer responds when he gets a chance.



The old Yamaha program XGWORKS used and played the old type of sty files as used in Psr keyboards, it's no longer in existence but can still be downloaded from the net, there still is some links I think on this site if you search for it.
There are lots of software such as Tag&rename and many others to organise and alter plus play mp3 music files, as far as I know there is nothing similar for style files, maybe I'm wrong and open to suggestions.