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Style Creation on Yamaha Style

Started by Nijirou, Oct 31, 2024, 10:05 AM

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My name is Nijirou, and I am a beginner in the field of keyboard playing. I own a Yamaha PSR-SX720 and am currently learning how to create styles.

I have a few questions regarding "Style Creation on Yamaha Keyboards." Specifically, in the Intro section, I am trying to create a musical melody. My goal is to develop an Intro that includes two variations: one played in Major tones and the other in Minor tones. I am aiming for something similar to the Yamaha Styles "Organ Bossa" or "Organ Rumba," which have distinct Major and Minor versions.

Could you please let me know if it is possible to use such tones in Yamaha Style Creation directly on the keyboard, or if there are any special tools or software required for this purpose?

Thank you for your assistance.

Plus here is my first Style...
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Best regards,
Yamaha PSR SX720


Hi Nijirou,

Unfortunately you don't want a simple thing.
This is my way working with Style works and the keyboard:
First both intros must have same number of measures(to dont have pause betwin intros and main)
 and to be created on the same chord note(examle: Major on AMaj - minor on Amin).(to can set properly on keyboard)
Of course In Maj and In Min must have same voices(same bass, same guitar same solo voice etc.)
Create somehow the intros: Major - on intro1; minor - on Intro2
Go on keyboard style creator and make the rights setting for intros to play correctly.
Go back on Style Works and copy all tracks except drums from IntroB tracks9-16 to IntroA tracks 1-8
Now On IntroA choose(set) For major to play tracks 9-16 and for minor to play tracks 1-8.
Save. Now Intro 1 have different variation, one for major one for minor.
Make the final settings on keyboard.
Good luck!
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


Hi Misu,

Thank you for providing that detailed process and for guiding me through the intricacies of style creation on Yamaha keyboards. I will try it. (●'◡'●)

The steps involving Style Works and the keyboard's Style Creator will surely help me achieve the distinct sound I'm aiming for, similar to "OrganBossa" or "OrganRumba." on major and minor version in 1 intro.

Thank you for your assistance and encouragement! \^o^/

Best regards, Nijirou 🍀
Yamaha PSR SX720