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epic strings 1 and yamaha expansion manager

Started by Denny C, Oct 28, 2024, 10:40 AM

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Denny C

Hello, I'm am new to this forum.  I used to love to read and post to Yamaha Keyboard Players.  Since, I had not posted or read for quite a while, I was surprised that it was closed.  Thanks to this forum, I read that EileenL had
been ill.  I am sincerely praying she will have a speedy recovery.

   I wanted to purchase the epic strings 1.  Since I have never installed the y e m on my Genos.  Is it built in ready to go or do I need to install it, then purchase the sound package and install that in the y e m ?
    Obviously I am not that technical, so any sincere advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance and have a good one! Denny C


Hi Denny
You need to download YEM from the Yamaha website and save it to your computer you do not save it to your genos.
You be required to put your Genos instrument information into YEM. Once this is set up you will be ready to install your epic strings into YEM,and it seems that if you have not loaded any pack previously you are missing out on the free packs that are available from Yamaha.
There are some YouTube tutorials available that will show you how to set up YEM and how to load your packs into your Genos, Leigh Wilbraham has YouTube tutorials how to do this, there are others out there but I found Leigh's was easy to follow