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SX920 is new but missing stuff and comfusing

Started by DrakeM, Oct 08, 2024, 10:24 AM

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I have my SX920 up and running good enough to use gigging. It has newer guitar and drum sounds. The keys seem to need a bit more downward pressure than the PSR-S950 but it isn't an issue. 

The SX920 is missing the TRANSPOSE information on the MAIN SCREEN (like the S950 had it there). I have to keep hitting the transpose key to check where it is after each song. I play every song in the key of C and transpose to the key I need to sing each song.

There is no Music Finder and now I have to load each style and set the intro and the Main it is supposed to jump to for each song (it' more down time in between songs.

That's as far as I have gotten things figured out.

I spent some time looking at VH2 menus but I don't see how I can create personal backup harmony singers.

I looked at the Style Creator and the layout is completely different and confusing at first glance. It will be my next challenge to re-lean.



Hi Drake try using Playlist. Much more advanced than MF and you can set up all your gig sets as Play lists and work from there.


I may have to resort to using them but I have over 450 to set up if I go that way.


Quote from: DrakeM on Oct 08, 2024, 10:24 AM... There is no Music Finder and now I have to load each style and set the intro and the Main it is supposed to jump to for each song (it' more down time in between songs. ...

Hi Drake,

You could import your original Music Finder file (.mfd) on the SX920 as a Playlist. This automatically creates a corresponding Playlist file (.tsv), and a Registration Bank file (.rgt) is created for each Music Finder Record (song title). With these registrations you should be able to play your repertoire as before.

By the way, you don't necessarily have to call up these registrations via the Playlist function, you could of course just load them in the Registration Bank Selection display.

Please also see pages 95/96 in the SX920 Reference Manual ("Importing Music Finder Records to the Playlist").

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Drake

Congrats on the new keyboard. Yep I had to get used to using playlists when I had my SX900 and then after I sold it (bad key bed!) the Tyros 4 I bought had the Music Finder again but I had gotten so used to using playlists I haven't really needed it ..I just make "gig disks" using 8gb usb's and that works great for me. If you want to use playlists just load your MFD file and your keyboard will automatically convert it into a playlist (and you can also run that on a usb. Have Yamaha moved the USB slot to the front on the 920? I found it was a pain to try and insert a usb on my 900 as I couldn't see where the slot was whilst standing in the front of the keyboard.  I think you are making better progress than me with VH2 as I gave up and bought a Digitech Vocalist 4 unit which sits on the floor but is way easier to program and save setups.  Let us know when you have a new Youtube video out using your new SX920!!

Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Quote from: DrakeM on Oct 08, 2024, 10:24 AMThe SX920 is missing the TRANSPOSE information on the MAIN SCREEN (like the S950 had it there). I have to keep hitting the transpose key to check where it is after each song. I play every song in the key of C and transpose to the key I need to sing each song.


The transpose information is on the display's MAIN SCREEN in the upper right corner in small numbers.
To the left, you can see next to the piano key symbol, the upper keyboard transposition.


Sounds like you need to add an external screen Drake so you have larger text if it's that tiny on the new keyboard ..I just have a 17"computer monitor that duplicates the LCD screen but obviously a lot larger!  I got tired of having to play with reading glasses on ..It also displays the lyrics nice and easy to read

Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Quote from: DrakeM on Oct 08, 2024, 10:24 AMI have my SX920 up and running good enough to use gigging. It has newer guitar and drum sounds. The keys seem to need a bit more downward pressure than the PSR-S950 but it isn't an issue. 

The SX920 is missing the TRANSPOSE information on the MAIN SCREEN (like the S950 had it there). I have to keep hitting the transpose key to check where it is after each song. I play every song in the key of C and transpose to the key I need to sing each song.

There is no Music Finder and now I have to load each style and set the intro and the Main it is supposed to jump to for each song (it' more down time in between songs.

That's as far as I have gotten things figured out.

I spent some time looking at VH2 menus but I don't see how I can create personal backup harmony singers.

I looked at the Style Creator and the layout is completely different and confusing at first glance. It will be my next challenge to re-lean.


You can load Mfd on the 920 and i have a files that are in genre if thats your preference PM with your email and will send them to you.

Edit: Reply text moved out of the quote by overover



The transpose information is on the display's MAIN SCREEN in the upper right corner in small numbers.
To the left, you can see next to the piano key symbol, the upper keyboard transposition.

Thank you for pointing this out. Yamaha shrank and hide that information pretty good.
I can now pretty well navigate through playing this keyboard at a gig.

I did watch videos about converting my Music Finder into a Playlist to see if it would help me. My custom styles are already organized by sets. Setting up registrations for each song would help but each one would have to be set up with at least 4 of the 8 buttons used to control the Vocal Harmonizer 2. At this point it seems easier to just load the song style and select manually the intro and the Main to go to.
