Registration / Style Question

Started by porterma, Jul 29, 2024, 12:23 PM

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On my Genos I am trying to save a style where I have changed the tempo from 60 to 100 for a song I want to play.
As well, in the "A" variation I want to mute one of the style parts, but when I change to the "B" variation I want that style part to be unmuted.
My question is: do I do this all using Registrations or do I have to re-save the style under a different name and save it in the user section because of the changes I have made to the style ?
Thanks for your help with this.



Nope, same style is fine! The registration is really just a snapshot of the keyboard at that moment; so with one registration slot, mute the style part; and with the next registration in the sequence, un-mute it. I do that a *lot* in my registrations,


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