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Genos Style Demo

Started by Kytrinh, May 16, 2024, 09:38 PM

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Been awhile since my last post, thought I'd share a custom style recorded live straight from an AH QuPac digital mixer

Who would've imagine this was from one keyboard..I love it

Keep well and save all
Genos, Tyros4/5, Pa4X, Audya5, KetronSD40, RolandXP30


This guy, company, indead made good Voices. His classic and hammond organ packs and the Violin pack are of a very good quality. And for an very nice price. The only thing I don't want to buy them  :'(. I don't like the principe of the expansion packs. When you make a registration and you  go somewhere else and they like you to play that song. Than it is impossible. Maybe that's one off the reasons Yamaha gave all there expansion packs for free.
I know there must be some copy right protection. But there must be another way to find out a better selution. In the very, very past there was a dongle you need for a protected programm.
But that is maybe for the Genos 3 the find out.


Yep, Custom song styles are the way to go. THey take a bit of work to put together but the results really do get the audiences attention.

I have made over 400 of them and I am now beginning to use the new G2 styles when making my styles. They just get better and better.  ;)