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File request from PSR-E383

Started by PSR_E473 (Salman), Jun 18, 2024, 09:56 PM

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PSR_E473 (Salman)

Since I can't afford PSR-E383, Can anyone record the midi files of the new styles which are listed below:

002 20s Electric Pop
003 20s Urban Latin
004 20s Dance Pop 1
005 20s Diva Pop
006 20s Synth Pop
007 20s Dance Pop 2
008 20s Dance Pop 3
009 80s Diva Pop
221 20s Disco Pop
222 20s Disco

I will later tell you why I am asking

PSR_E473 (Salman)

Can anyone record these styles on PSR-E383 in a midi file and give it to me  :) ?



I don't think it's clear from your post what you want,
.."these styles" ..what styles....
"record as a midi" ....record what, a song using these styles, a short sample of one variation, a style file copy??
Please clarify.


Hi Salman,

I merged your two threads on this topic here.

Please clarify what exactly you want to do with these MIDI files of the E383 preset styles originally mentioned in the first thread on June 19. Otherwise probably no one here will be able to help you.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)