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Single Fingered Chords.

Started by Arnak, Jun 18, 2024, 09:24 AM

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I don't suppose there is any way to make the single-fingered chords single-fingered is there?

Single-fingered is not true for anything but major chords, for minor and seventh chords you have to use more than 1 finger.

I'm asking this as I know have the use of 1 finger on my left hand.





Hi Martin,

You are right, with the "Single Finger" fingering (possible when either "Single Finger" or "Multi Finger" fingering type is set) you can only play major chords with just one finger.

For dominant seventh chords and minor chords two keys must be pressed at the same time (dominant seventh = root note & a white key to the left, minor = root note & a black key to the left).

For minor seventh chords, three keys must be pressed simultaneously (root note & a white and a black key to the left of it).

Some dominant seventh chords could also be played with one finger by pressing two white keys with just one finger (e.g. C7 = C + B keys, G7 = G + F keys).

You might find it helpful to first record just the style as a MIDI file, using both hands. Then you could play back this accompaniment and play along with it with your right hand. If desired, you could also record additional tracks/channels to the MIDI file this way (see the "Multi Recording" section in the Tyros4 Owner's Manual on page 56).

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

Thanks for the advice.

I agree that would seem to be the only way to get to use more than just the major chords with one finger.

I'll give that a try.



You can also try setting the fingering to AI full keyboard. Now notes you play in your rh will influence the accompaniment chord while live playing.


Hi Mike,

Thanks for the advice, I'll try that. :)



If your right hand is *not* proficient enough playing chords and melody together, and if you just leave it on AI fingered, then it'll still work (accompaniment simply becomes octaves). Yes the "chords" will be thinner, but you can play this way (without the clashes that happen from singe finger fingering's automatic major chords)

But Mike is correct; if you *can* play melody and chords on the right hand and bass on the left, you'll be able to experience full accompaniment; definitely worth learning (that's usually how I play)


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Mark Wilburn


Thanks, Mark,

I'll have to get practising as it's been quite a while since I played last.
