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Started by jgsngbrd, May 08, 2024, 07:33 PM

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I'M NOT DEAD YET.  When asked "cake or death"...I chose cake! 

I will soon be playing again, so I have re-initiated my forum participation.  Haven't posted or created any content in years.  Life happens, right!  Still have my Tyros and DGX660, but I am expecting delivery on my new CVP809GP this coming week.  Traded by Yamaha Baby Grand (had it for forty years)....sad to see her go, but I expect the CVP to bring me many years of satisfaction in the future.  I have been looking at tutorials from Cunningham Piano and it appears to be exactly what I have wanted for years (with the exception of portability).  Now I will not have to "midi" an 88 key "controller" to an arranger. 

My question is this:  does anyone know if the file types for styles will transfer from my Tyros to the CVP?  That would be great and even more significant would be whether my registrations would transfer?  I suppose when it arrives and I start messing around (in the figurative sense) with the new Yamaha, I will eventually find out, right!  Capability will soon be evident.

I am hoping many of your who were keyboard friends of mine in the past are still hangin' around.  If you are.........CHEERS!


Welcome back to the forum!

You can use Murray's registration program to convert your Tyros5 regs.

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And yes all your Tyros styles will of course work in your new CVP809. You may need to sub or even upgrade some of the voice in the old styles.

But you will find more and even better sounding styles to use in your new keyboard by using Genos, SX900 and some Genos 2 styles instead of the old Tyros styles found on these pages that you can download as AN EXAMPLE:

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Feels like old times Drake!  I will look into all your great suggestions.   :)