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CDG files

Started by elvisjfigredo, May 07, 2024, 03:26 AM

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Hi everyone,
I am hoping someone can help me here.
I have made a CDG file using a CDG software. But it wont work on my Genos. Plays fine on the CDG player.
Is there something I"m missing?
I am attaching the link to the files. Hope they work.
Please help.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Elvis J Figredo

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I have just downloaded the MP3 file and it is playing fine in my Genos2. The CDG file says it is unsupported and will not let me download to try.


Thank you Eileen. I am trying to make my own backing tracks with lyrics and it's just not happening.
I will keep trying different CDG making software :).


Hi Elvis,

I opened the BBBBBBBB.cdg in CDG Editor which resulted in an error; 'Unexpected end of file'.

I then used 'Tools / Validate'; it made some repairs, I saved it and now it opens on Genos.
Here's a link to the modified CDG and the app CDG Editor.

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[attachment deleted by admin]
I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


The cdg file must be in the same directory as the mp3 file. Both files must have the same name. Moreover, it is best to place directories with files on a pendrive and not on the user's memory.


Hi Stijn,
Thank you soooooo much.
Brilliant. Thanks for fixing the file and for the CDG editor.
It works fine now.
Very kind of you.
Thanks for your help and everyone else.
Kind regards,
Elvis J Figredo :) :) :) :) :) :)