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"-UD" in Style File Name

Started by mhack, Jun 30, 2024, 10:42 AM

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I have a usb of styles I got somewhere. They are style files for Yamaha keyboards. All these files have -UD at the end of the file name. What does UD mean?

Edit: Topic title modified by overover


I don't know for sure, but I seem to remember someone staring that they are from an older keyboard when the OTS was not built into the style.

Hopefully someone will clarify.





Quote from: mhack on Jun 30, 2024, 10:42 AM
I have a usb of styles I got somewhere. They are style files for Yamaha keyboards. All these files have -UD at the end of the file name. What does UD mean?


Hi Mhack,

Possibly "-UD" in this case simply means "Update(d)". Our forum member Onacimus uses this term, for example, here on his Style Conversions pages:

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I have a huge bundle of styles that have the song name followed by ".S833" and they work perfectly well ..As long as the file extension is ".sty" then it really doesn't matter what the file name content is.  EG: one song style shows on the computer as amarillo.S833 so if you right click it and select "properties"  as long as the "file type is shown as Style Files (.sty) it will play fine. If you feel really bored you can click on the file name twice and then delete the "_UD" section" and just keep the rest of the file name then click anywhere in the window it will rename it without the extra bits.  My collection equates to 2030 style files so I have just left them as is!!
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Quote from: ChrisH on Jun 30, 2024, 11:43 PM
As long as the file extension is ".sty" then it really doesn't matter what the file name content is.  EG: one song style shows on the computer as amarillo.S833 so if you right click it and select "properties"  as long as the "file type is shown as Style Files (.sty) it will play fine. If you feel really bored you can click on the file name twice and then delete the "_UD" section" and just keep the rest of the file name then click anywhere in the window it will rename it without the extra bits.  My collection equates to 2030 style files so I have just left them as is!!
Hi Chris

You don't want to delete file with the ICON Number (.S833 or similar). However if you want to tidy up tehe rest of the file names, try the free program shown below. It does multiple rename, additions, deletion etc.

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Thanks Bill

They currently all have their "double extensions" so "filename.S833.sty" Thanks for the rename software ..I really didn't want to go thru over 2000 style files as I have already deleted the entire batch to get rid of the sequential numbers the originals had ..(these are songstyles so each style is accurately created for an exact song) as looking up a song name was a nightmare ..removing the numbers up at the front automatically put them in alphabetical order so much easier to find when there are a couple of hundred on a USB flash drive.

Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Hi Chris

Thank-you for getting back to me.  Don't forget if you do remove the .833 you will loose al the icon's that show up on your keyboard. Double extension are normal.




Quote from: ChrisH on Jun 30, 2024, 11:43 PM
I have a huge bundle of styles that have the song name followed by ".S833" and they work perfectly well ..As long as the file extension is ".sty" then it really doesn't matter what the file name content is.  EG: one song style shows on the computer as amarillo.S833 so if you right click it and select "properties"  as long as the "file type is shown as Style Files (.sty) it will play fine. If you feel really bored you can click on the file name twice and then delete the "_UD" section" and just keep the rest of the file name then click anywhere in the window it will rename it without the extra bits.  My collection equates to 2030 style files so I have just left them as is!!

Hi Chris,

On Windows, not all file name extensions are displayed by default, but "known" extensions are hidden. I recommend setting Windows Explorer (File Explorer) so that all extensions are always displayed:
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By the way, the character string ".S833" you mentioned is the so-called "Icon ID". This consists of one of the letters "S" or "T" followed by a  three-digit number. The Icon ID determines which icon is shown for a certain file (e.g. Style, Registration or Voice file) in the keyboard display (e.g. for PSR-S/SX/Tyros/Genos models). If this Icon ID is removed from the file name, a standard icon for the relevant file type is displayed on the keyboard. The original file extension (e.g. ".sty") must of course be retained in any case.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Attention: If you change or delete the icon ID, you also change the file name of the style. Existing registrations will then no longer be able to find this style.



Thanks Guys

All I have done is renamed each sty file by taking off the sequential number at the front so Windows sorts it alphabetically instead of numerically so the older arranger can find a song quickly  .. I also have them spread over 6 USB drives so it works great on the S650 and Tyros4
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Quote from: overover on Jul 01, 2024, 08:27 AM
Hi Chris,

On Windows, not all file name extensions are displayed by default, but "known" extensions are hidden. I recommend setting Windows Explorer (File Explorer) so that all extensions are always displayed:
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Hiding file extensions by default in Windows is the most idiotic setting I have ever come across.
It's like having a phone book with only first names and no last names.

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