Changing The Octave of a Style Part in Mixer

Started by porterma, Apr 19, 2024, 12:14 PM

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I am wondering if it is possible to change the octave of a style part in the mixer.
Occasionally when I go to change the instrument voice of  one of the style parts in the mixer the octave is wrong for that instrument (too high or too low).
However, I can't seem to find the parameter to change the instrument's octave.
It must be possible to do this - I just can't figure it out.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.



You're thinking of the way it was before Yamaha's touchscreens, with the mixer and octaves of voices on the same page (it still works that way on  my s970). Ever since the touchscreen era, they've separated that function out of mixer, and now it's part of voice (one of the 6 lit white menu buttons on the right) and octave appears there instead



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Mark Wilburn


hello Mark (porterma)
No, for voices in style you cannot shift octave. If you wish to change the voice and octave doesn't match, then the only way to do that, is to shift all notes in that particular channel by using Style Creator (StepEditor).

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Thanks Bogdan, I missed the style part (even though it was in the title! )

Yes, that makes it a *lot* more difficult :p Yes previously the only option was to go into step editing and manually shift all the notes (usually needing to unlock the style first, if you didn't create the style part yourself). The only other solution was the 'cheapest': just find a voice that's similar that defaults to the octave you want (I did this a lot with basses, because they have an extremely wide default octave variance in style creator)

There *is* a 3rd option, if you don't want to create the style part, and you can't unlock it (because unlock only works on 8 of the 16 style midi tracks): use the style to generate a midi (just the number of bars of that style part will suffice). Then edit the midi (which you *can* transpose notes in midi editor) run it through Midi2Style or Midi Song To Style and then steal the necessary part back. *note* that megavoice guitars can cause issues due to accidentally transposing fret noises *but*

if you split a megavoice guitar track into 2 tracks (and since generating midis from styles which can't use up more than 8 tracks, there will always be a spare) and filter the pick/fret noise data into 1 track which you don't transpose, and a 2nd with only the musical note data which you *do* transpose, then recombine them into a single midi track, and then run *that* into Midi song to to style, you're good to go.

It's not as difficult as it sounds, although having software to eliminate notes above a certain range and below a certain range would make the work a *lot* quicker.


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Mark Wilburn


Thanks Mark and Bogdan,
I appreciate your responses, although disappointed that the solution is not as complicated.
Thanks for your suggestions.



hi Mark (Amwilburn)
I still think that shifting notes by one octave in StepEditor is way easier&faster than fiddling with midi: multiselect all notes, shift note to desired octave and confirm.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


QuoteThere *is* a 3rd option, if you don't want to create the style part, and you can't unlock it (because unlock only works on 8 of the 16 style midi tracks)

I was experimenting with unlocked styles last week, and indeed I found out that not all the style channels were unlocked.
But not always the same channels.
Is there a way to found out what channels will not be unlocked, or is this random ?

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Quote from: BogdanH on Apr 19, 2024, 02:13 PM
hi Mark (Amwilburn)
I still think that shifting notes by one octave in StepEditor is way easier&faster than fiddling with midi: multiselect all notes, shift note to desired octave and confirm.


Yes, I do that too *when available*; but since most style parts are locked, and half can't even be unlocked, that's not always an option.

Alas there's no way to know which ones, as it depends which tracks they were originally recorded on (1-8 or 9-16) from the Yamaha "Tool"

Etienne, it is essentially random, so some tracks just can't be unlocked. That's why I mentioned a couple of other options


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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: Amwilburn on Apr 19, 2024, 02:21 PM
..but since most style parts are locked, and half can't even be unlocked...
-I'm seriously interested on that.
A while back I made "Y-StyleRevoice" program with option to unlock the style. Of course I have only tried on few preset styles and so I wonder if you could upload some style that you weren't able to fully unlock?
Thank you

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


I've been using Jorgen Sorensens Style Unlocker, and on average, just over half the tracks can't be unlocked (I found a style where only 1 track could be unlocked, another where 5 of the 6 could be, it depended how they coded it with the tool)
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Where can we download yours?



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Mark Wilburn


hi Mark,
You can download it Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login -just click on Download button on top left (to get zipped content).

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Hahahaha my work computer won't let me save it due to safety concerns. Sigh.

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Mark Wilburn


I think I have found the reason that some channels can't be edited even if the lock parameter is disabled.
It is not random.

Styles normally contain 8 channels (9 to 16).
But lower channels 1 to 8 can be used to make a difference for minor or 7th chords.
Those channels that have a lower channel in use can't be edited, even if the edit flag is set.

Take for example the style Genos 2 -> Pop -> 00sBluesyBallad.T547.prs
MAIN A -> Channel 12 and 16 are both also using a lower channel, respectively Channel 3 and 7.
This makes the channels 12 and 16 non-editable in style creator.

After all this makes sence, because the lower channels are not available in Style Creator.
So only editing the higher channel without the lower would be nefast for the style.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Well yes, exactly. Thats why I mentioned the 16 channels; 1 set is usually for the minor chord variations and 1 set is for the major chord, and unfortunately, it's not consistent how Yamaha encoded them in the first place (ie if they had always used 1-8 for minor and 9-16 for major, it would have been predictable) But that's a nicely detailed explanation; I only knew because it was already mentioned previously on this forum (probably by Jorgen himself) why some styles can't be unlocked


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Mark Wilburn


What about changing the instruments's octave in Voice Edit and saving that as a custom User voice? Do Style parts not use custom voices saved in User?

SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


Quote from: porterma on Apr 19, 2024, 12:14 PM
I am wondering if it is possible to change the octave of a style part in the mixer.
Occasionally when I go to change the instrument voice of  one of the style parts in the mixer the octave is wrong for that instrument (too high or too low).
However, I can't seem to find the parameter to change the instrument's octave.
It must be possible to do this - I just can't figure it out.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


You can change the entire octave with MixMaster. I did the video 10 years ago, but even now the procedure is the same, the only thing is that MixMaster's interface is a little different.

This is a newer version of MixMaster but I have only shown the change of one tone.

Watch this part of the video, here I explain how the High Key/Note Limit function works. As said, you can only do this with the Style unlocked.
Activate english subtitle.

Watch my video channel


Quote from: Amwilburn on Apr 19, 2024, 03:21 PM
Hahahaha my work computer won't let me save it due to safety concerns. Sigh.
I have no idea why's that in your case.. I mean, is a simple program which doesn't access the system at all (no registry, no internet, no settings,...).

But it doesn't matter. I have tried the 00sBluesyBallad style that Etienne mentioned and even everything is unlocked, Style Creator doesn't allow editing those particular channels (that make use of 1-8 channels) -and that makes unlocking feature kinda obsolete I think.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


When I am reworking the Genos 2 styles sometimes I have to Raise the part of a Mega Voice. In fact, I have to raise the voice in the style part 2 octaves. By doing so, I can then replace the Mega Voice (it is usually a Doo Woop) with a Horn or String voice.

I use Jorgen's "Style Revoicer" free program.
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You just open the style up in the program and LOWER or Raise the part of style by 1 OCT .. 1 octave. If you need to you can try lowering it again, Save the style and reload it in the program and lower it a second time.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: p$manK32 on Apr 19, 2024, 07:29 PM
What about changing the instruments's octave in Voice Edit and saving that as a custom User voice? Do Style parts not use custom voices saved in User?


You can only use preset voices in styles. At least on my PSR. And that actually makes sense. Otherwise the style would only work on this one keyboard.


Joe H

Quote from: p$manK32 on Apr 19, 2024, 07:29 PM
What about changing the instruments's octave in Voice Edit and saving that as a custom User voice? Do Style parts not use custom voices saved in User?


The Voice Set file is only loaded for the Right and Left Voices.  It is not loaded when the Voice is used in a style part.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

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For styles, preset voices and expansion voices can be used. We can also select Voice Set(ting) file for style, however all edits will be ignored (including octave shift) -that is, for style, Voice Set file only serves as a loader for actual (preset or expansion) voice.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


OK, so expansion voices work also. Thanks.
SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+