Looking for New Genos2 Styles

Started by rattley, Apr 12, 2024, 09:20 PM

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I am still in hog heaven enjoying my Genos2.  I think it's going to be a long long love affair!  The onboard styles have totally met my expectations and older styles seem to acquire a new life as Genos2 works its magic with the legacy voices and effects. Many of my older premium Yamaha styles sound better than I ever expected them too. I still have so much older content to sift thru, but style exploration is something I love to do.

I've patiently been waiting for some new styles to be made by users here. I thought there would be lots by now since we have a handy dandy StyleCreator and the new MIDI to song software. I have had little success using it and since we aren't overflowing with these new user styles I don't think to many others have had any success. I am so anxious to hear styles from others. What instrumentation and effects especially did they choose?

I got an email from PVK MIDI/ Styles and they offered some new styles especially for Genos2. I've purchased from them before so I bought some. I looked some more on the web for new styles and was led to  d.o.o.de.  I've heard about them but never bought anything from them. By now I would expect to start seeing more new exclusive styles for Genos2. I'll have to explore that site later when I have more time. Who else makes and sells Genos2 styles? Thanks.    -charley