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Greetings from London UK

Started by James2010, Apr 03, 2024, 07:57 AM

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Firstly, may I take this opportunity to thank Roger Brenzier for helping get back into PSR Tutorial again! I was a member since around 2010 but due to health issues, had lost touch. Thankfully am able to get back into the saddle as it were! I have a page on the PSR Performers under James Hunter.

My name is James (although often called Jimmy by friends). I was born in 1960 in a North East Coastal Town called Hartlepool. Moved to London in 1992. In 1971 my parents were given an old upright piano from an elderly friend. My sisters took no interest but I was fascinated by it and kept hammering away at the ivory's almost daily. My school teacher, at that time, told me that I had an ear for music and a hidden talent. I was always listening to music, be it on the radio or record player at home. Often falling asleep with the radio plugged into my ears at night! The first notes I started to pick out was identified from Beautiful Dreamer, which was constantly being played on the record player at home. I followed it repeatedly and with practice, trial and error, that became my first piece which I picked up by ear.

Over the years I found I was able to listen to most music a few times and pick it up on the piano. I couldn't quite get the left hand too well without 'vamping' too much! I was then treated me to my first electronic organ. Actually it was a table top Bontempi in bright red with chord push buttons on the left. Bought from the Co-op with stamps, so you can imagine it. Small, plastic and tin box sound but to me was a joy! The rest is history but needless to say I adapted to the organ far better than the piano. I'd never consider myself a pianist, although I have hammered out some old time sing-a-longs at various charity events. But the organ became my foundation and still is today. I never learned to play off music. I don't consider myself a perfect keyboard player but am told otherwise. To me playing by ear holds many advantages, ability just to listen to music and pick it up on the keys. It's also a joy to improvise with various pieces and to create my own renditions.

I am now the proud owner of Yamaha Genos 2 and KORG PA5X. Previously, Yamaha Tyros 3, 4, 5 and various electronic organs such as Orla, Yamaha PSR-540 and Yamaha Electone FE-40. I have had the pleasure of playing Hammond and Yamaha with Leslie speakers in club bookings. I had regular venues in North East pubs and clubs in the early years. Nowadays I play more as a personal hobby at home., and still enjoy composing. Looking forward to catching up and joining in all the fun. So pleased to see PSR Tutorial still going strong.



Welcome back to the best resource of Yamaha Arranger Keyboards.
I'm from Brazil, and I'm a performer on this website too.
I invite you to watch my videos at my YT channel or PSR Performer page - the links are below my name.

Nice to meet you.
Best wishes,

Pedro Eleuterio
Pedro Eleutério
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Hi James
It's great to hear you are back it will be good to hear
Your music again Ias I still listen to your tunes all the
Time.       Jim

Roger Brenizer

Hi James,

Welcome back to the forum and thank you for becoming a member again. I'm sure you'll learn a lot about your Genos2 keyboard here on our forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

You'll want to be sure to visit the Home page and check out some of the tutorials you will find links to there. The following link will take you to the Home page of the website:

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You'll also gain access to an Excel Song Index database, made available to supporting members by our good friend, Peter (XeeniX) and maintained by another good friend, Runner4Fun, which presently contains 111,967 song titles in 2,954 indexed books. This index is updated often.

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We're so glad you've decided to become a member and very happy you've decided to become a part of this great forum family. If you have any questions, then please just ask. Many of our members are always very willing to help you.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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