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Started by PSR_E473 (Salman), Mar 17, 2024, 05:19 PM

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PSR_E473 (Salman)

Can anyone tell me how to play E.Guitar on PSR-E473 with a style and tell me how to fix the voice as the sampled guitar sounds terrible


I'm afraid that nobody can tell you how to play -that's something that we need to learn. One way to learn is, by watching and listening how others play and then we try to replicate that by a lot of practicing -there's no shortcut.
According to this video, electric guitar isn't that bad on E473, I think  :)

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Graham UK

Bogdan. Nice Video...Thank you.

PSR_E473 (Salman)

Hi Bogdan, I do like that gutar sampled voice but what i am talking is about how to play a distorted guitar with a style because i have no clue and also the sample of it is worse if you play dist guita on psr-e473 or 373


Playing an authentic-sounding guitar lick on a keyboard isn't that easy. Many guitar players believe that it's not possible at all.

But if you want to try it, there are many learning videos on this topic on YouTube.

However, I don't think the PSR-E473's distorted guitar sounds that bad: