Music Finder for older keyboards of the Genos 2 song styles

Started by DrakeM, Mar 19, 2024, 03:46 PM

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Genos 2 "Play List" for older keyboard owners to use as a Music Finder Data base.

I spent this afternoon compiling all the Genos 2 song titles (with its style) into one spreadsheet. It makes it easy to sort and/or search for a song and/or style name.

It contains 15 pages, one for each Category of Style. Plus one additional page with all the songs, so you can sort everything by either song title or by style name.

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Thanks for providing this spreadsheet, Drake!

To avoid misunderstandings: The file provided by Drake is NOT a MusicFinder file (.mfd), but "just" an Excel file (.xls).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Good point Chris
When I still had my SX900 it converted MDF database files into a playlist so one should assume the the Genos 2 files would also be playlists so no real use to even the S series keyboards  (I had to downsize a bit as we moved from a house to a boat on a marina so I now have an S650 which seemed to be the closest used arranger keyboard to my SX900 (apart from multipads)) ..Lot's of E series here but they don't seem to have the 3 intro/3 endings OTS and 4 variations that I like so I settled for the 650.  Jorgen still has the 650 on his list to be included in the Music Database File Manager so have to be content with the built in MDF selection for now.

If anyone needs the "real" song names on the older S arrangers this XLS file (made from the Tyros Database) does have most of the "coded" song names and the real names in the next column ..I found this really useful   It's on the S950/S750/S650 forum     Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550