Moving my Genos 1 YEM setup to Genos 2

Started by anandmaloo, Mar 15, 2024, 01:25 AM

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Hi all,

Sorry in advance if this is a repeat question. I looked but couldn't find answer to it.

Planning to buy a Genos 2. I have a Genos 1 and a big YEM installation, which contains a lot of expansion pack, some free, some self made and some purchased. My question is would my YEM setup / the file created for Genos 1 work seamlessly in Genos 2. What do I have to do to have a similar YEM installation for Genos 2




Your Genos2 will have a different n12 identifier file, which you will need to export from the instrument and load into YEM. You will need to select the Genos2 as the installation target. This will reset *all* the pack selections and you will have to select them all again, before creating a new installation file.

So I would recommend going through your Genos1 setup first and noting which packs you selected, and anything you left out within them, to make this easier.


Thanks a lot DerekA for your reply. I assume that I will not have to change the packs then. All I have to do is

1) Export the n12 identifier from my G2
2) Import in YEM
3) Select and import all the packs already in my YEM to the G2 database of YEM one by one as per my liking
4) Import the resultant file in G2

Another point. I imported the different packs in YEM over a period of time, in a sequence which I don't remember now. So I assume they are assigned LSB / MSB (or whatever that is called, not sure) accordingly.

I have hundreds of registrations mapped to these voices and styles of these packs in G1.  If now import the packs in YEM of G2 in a different sequence, will those registrations work as before (because I assume the packs might be assigned different LSB / MSB). I am not sure of the technical terms but I hope I am able to convey the message

Thanks in advance.





If you have any packs in your Genos from Yamaha that are CPF files they will not work and have now been converted to PPF files to work in Genos2. You will need to replace these.


hi Anand,
Steps 1-4 are correct (btw it's n27 file -not n12)

No matter what you will select or deselect in YEM (for Genos2), that won't change MSB/LSB values and so everything should work as it did on Genos1. Of course, if you forget to select particular voice or style that's used in some registration, then registration won't work anymore.

Short explanation about MSB-LSB-PCn values change... These values (which serve as voice ID) can change (or not) only when we import pack into YEM. Once pack is imported, these values don't change anymore. However, if we move certain voice from one pack to another, values can change (or not).

Let me explain about "can change (or not)":

1. MSB value never changes
-numbers 62 and 63 are reserved for voices created by user (62=drumkit, 63=normal voice). Voices in most Yamaha packs use other (reserved) values and that's the reason why (in YEM) we can only see (and change) LSB and PCn value for voices which have MSB value 62 or 63.

2. LSB value can only change (at pack import) if voice has MSB value 62 or 63.
-what LSB value will be assigned to certain voice depends on at what point the pack was imported. Let's say you already have three packs installed in YEM and then you install a fourth pack (which contain voices with MSB=62 or 63): to all those voices value 4 will be assigned to LSB -because it's 4th installed pack.
The only way to change LSB values (i.e from 4 to 2) is, if we install the pack as second in the row, or if we import voices from that pack into existing second pack.
Obviously, if we have only four packs installed, we can't change LSB value to 5. The only way to do that is, to create new 5th (empty) pack and import voices in that pack.

I hope that was informative for some

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Thanks EileenL for your response.

And thankyou so much BogdanH for the detailed reply.

I believe I understand the process now. And actually, the Genos2 is being bought by my younger brother. So I will copy all the data from C:\Users\Anand\AppData\Local\Yamaha (my PC) to the similar directory of Yamaha in his PC (after he has installed the YEM there) . He would then import his G2 n27 file in his PC's YEM and select whichever packs he would want in his G2.
Then all my registrations which have any of the styles or voices from these chosen packs would work seamlessly.

Another assumption. I hope my registrations with preset voices and drumkit of G1 would work in G2 as well

