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Who is faster? Genos vs Genos2

Started by ckobu, Mar 09, 2024, 10:02 AM

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I did a test of installing the same package in Genos and Genos2. The result is interesting.
I'm wondering why wirelessly installing packages in Genos is so much slower?

Watch the video.
Watch my video channel




hi ckobu,
Quite interesting -thank you for sharing!

My thoughts while I was watching the video and just after I saw the result:

It's a fact, that USB2.0 speed isn't limiting factor and also the read speed of USB key plays practically no role. Every decent USB key can read-out at least 10MB/s and USB2.0 also allows much higher transfers. That is, in case of 10MB/s a 140MB pack could be transferred in 14 seconds... but it takes much longer.
What is limiting, is obviously the speed at which internal memory can store data. The question is, why does it take longer on Genos1?
One reason could be, it's because Genos2 has 25% faster memory chips than Genos1 (25% grow in 6 years isn't that surprising, I think).

Here the difference in speed is much bigger (almost 3.6-times!) and so it has less (practically nothing) to do with faster memory. Both (Genos1 and Genos2) have the same wireless specs and so both speeds should be similar.
My opinion? Genos1 has crappy written wireless section in firmware.

Just sharing my thoughts,
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Very cool to see it timed; I mean, I knew the Genos 2 booted up faster than the G1, but it's neat to see an actual figure 4 seconds/19% faster.

And yes, it definitely felt like installing packs has been faster on the G2 as well; but again seeing "23 seconds faster/ 19% faster". It's nice having hard numbers. You're only installing a 124mb pack; most of the times I'm shoving in the maximum 4gb allowable by fat 32, and the difference is more like 10 to 15 minutes!


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Mark Wilburn


I usually put larger Packs in the keyboard, but for the test I used a small one of 124mb. The installation takes less time and I wanted to make a video without cutting parts that will show the whole duration.
Watch my video channel


In Genos 1 you have 2.11 version, but the latest is 2.13. I don't know if this affect in any way, but I've notice that!
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos