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PRS SX700 vs. SX900

Started by cjbemp, Mar 05, 2024, 12:40 PM

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What are the differences between the PRS SX700 and the SX900?


Hello, you can take a look at the following link ;)

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"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


I mean, it's best to try them side by side in a store if possible, but if not:
sx900 has 4 speakers totalling 50w, the sx700 has 2 totalling 30w ; the sx900 speakers are *much* clearer and 'beefier'.

The sx700 has 400mb expansion area, of which approx 250mb is pre used.
sx900 has approx 1GB expansion area, of which the same 250mb is pre used.

sx900 can do audio styles, sx700 cannot. The sx900 has vocal harmony and vocoder. The sx900 has all the same choirs and voice samples as the T5, G1, G2, the sx700 only has a very limited selection of those (mostly the Oohs and Aahs, no jazz scat or wave cycled phrases). THe sx900 has sampled solo strings, the sx700 only has sampled ensemble (compare the solo violins & cellos to really hear the difference)

And finally, the sx900 is has revo compatible live drums, so it can use all the Genos styles (and a lot of the G2 styles as well, since the ambient drums were mapped to the same keys as revo drums). The sx700 uses the T4/T5 drum set, which means most current and future flagship styles do not work (CVP809/909, G1, G2 styles will work on sx900, not sx700, at least not without some major surgery)

There's more differences; if you're in North America there's no reason not to get the sx900 (in NA the sx700 vs sx900 price is 70/100)
But in Europe? about 60/100! (used to be 50/100, shockingly!)


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Mark Wilburn


hi Mark,
Quote from: Amwilburn on Mar 07, 2024, 02:52 PM
sx900 has 4 speakers totalling 50w, the sx700 has 2 totalling 30w....
Both have 4 speakers  :)

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


I have ordered the Psr-sx700 and it will do all that I intend to do with it. I am in Ontario Canada and the price difference between the 700 and 900 was abt. $800 new. George


hi Gemor and congrats for your purchase.
Although it's important to know the differences, it's more important to know how to interpret them, so you know how much (if at all) they matter for YOU.

Wish you a lot of fun  :)

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Enjoy your new SX700 Gemor.

No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
Korg PAAS Mk2 Keyboard Speaker Amp system
Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
Roland RH-5 Monitor Headphones


Quote from: BogdanH on Mar 07, 2024, 03:27 PM
hi Mark,Both have 4 speakers  :)


sorry, 2 amps vs 4 amps, my bad!

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Mark Wilburn



I think if you use the more traditional styles and sounds of the previous PSRs and the Tyros' up to the T3', I found very little difference between the SX700 and SX900 when using it in this way from my previous set ups, it's only when you start to go higher than that you'll find the differences when using sounds and styles that make use of the Ooohs and Aaahs from the T4 and T5, and then revo samples from the Genos, then that's where the SX900 comes into its own, of course along with it's bigger spec.

What I am saying is if you're not too bothered about that, and just want a nice fresh upgrade from all previous PSR's with a nice splattering of Tyros 1-3 out of the box without hardly any tweaks, you'd be better off with an SX700.

If you like tweaking and like to spend time doing that, you could squeeze a lot more out the SX700 to play some of those styles T4/T5/Sx900/Genos styles.

The SX900 has two USB slots, the SX700 has only 1 though.


Quote from: Danny1972 on Mar 08, 2024, 09:36 AM

I think if you use the more traditional styles and sounds of the previous PSRs and the Tyros' up to the T3', I found very little difference between the SX700 and SX900 when using it in this way from my previous set ups, it's only when you start to go higher than that you'll find the differences when using sounds and styles that make use of the Ooohs and Aaahs from the T4 and T5, and then revo samples from the Genos, then that's where the SX900 comes into its own, of course along with it's bigger spec.

What I am saying is if you're not too bothered about that, and just want a nice fresh upgrade from all previous PSR's with a nice splattering of Tyros 1-3 out of the box without hardly any tweaks, you'd be better off with an SX700.

If you like tweaking and like to spend time doing that, you could squeeze a lot more out the SX700 to play some of those styles T4/T5/Sx900/Genos styles.

The SX900 has two USB slots, the SX700 has only 1 though.

I couldn't agree more.
The very minor issue of 'only having one usb socket' is pretty well irrelevant as you can easily run more through a usb hub as many of us have done.

Also... A tip for you.
Get yourself a short (about 25cm) usb male to female lead. Tape it the your music rest. You can then plug your usb stick in from the front of the keyboard which makes life a LOT easier.
It also saves wear and tear on the USB socket on the keyboard itself. A lot of us do this. A damaged USB port ion the keyboard itself is an expensive repair job.

Enjoy it... It's an amazing keyboard. 🙂

No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
Korg PAAS Mk2 Keyboard Speaker Amp system
Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
Roland RH-5 Monitor Headphones


Quote from: Divemaster on Mar 08, 2024, 10:48 AM

The very minor issue of 'only having one usb socket' is pretty well irrelevant as you can easily run more through a usb hub as many of us have done.

Yeah I agree! I think I worded it badly making it sound it was an issue when it's absolutely not!

I will mention one thing though. I said in my post that the SX700 is an upgrade from all previous PSRs, and it absolutely is although I would have liked if Yamaha retained the 50 or so audio styles from the S970/S975 mainly because they are not available and I am not sure if they are even for sale anymore. I know this may be quite a minor omission, but I did like using a few of them, not all but a few. 

I know the SX900 can play Audio styles, but the only ones you can get hold of to use are the free downloads from the T5 where I preferred the PSR ones more.

Anyway, as I said it's only a very minor omission. 