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Registration memory

Started by Dusan, Mar 02, 2024, 06:42 AM

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Hi to all,

I am working on my new Genos2 to try to make an registration.
I want to use several registration for one song. On first registration button I memorize
style where just guitar playing,on the second registration  I edd a bass an so on ...
Truble is cos registration dont memorize Vocal harmony On and OFf position.
I chek Vocal Harmony on registration memory menu,and that function is on off position
on Frize menu.

Please help me if you can

Thenk you

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


I am not sure I understand what you want to happen.

You can use two registration buttons to control turning the Vocal Harmony on and off. I use buttons 7 (on) and 8 (off).
This allows me to use button 1 to turn the Vocal Harmony completely off (no sound),
Button 2, I use to speak clearly with no Reverb on the mic and the volume is set louder.

The way you are adding parts and building up the style parts as the song progresses, I do that within the Style's Part A, B, C and D. Then save it as a Custom song style.



Hi Drake,

yes I want to make several registration for one song...In first registration (button no.1) is Vocal harmony in off position.
On the second registration (button no.2) is Vocal harmony in On position.This way I want to build registration's for perform on song.
Problem is cos registration buttons dont memorise Vocal harmony On and Off position and that is my problem...
On my old Tyros 5 that is no problem to make...I know the procedure how to make registration and belive on Genos is the same...
I can memorise on Genos2 all panel data except VH...


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Hi Dusan

On the G2 you can save Vocal Hamony settings in a Registration (if you tick the mic setting box). You cannot save the "Talk" on/off.




Quote from: Bill on Mar 02, 2024, 08:40 AM
Hi Dusan

On the G2 you can save Vocal Hamony settings in a Registration (if you tick the mic setting box). You cannot save the "Talk" on/off.



I dont want to save in registration Talk on/off.I want to sing on registration 1 without Vocal harmonizer and in registration 2 with Vocal Harmonizer.
That is the simple explanation what I want.
Vocal harmoniser on and off is the panel seting and shuld be save in Registration memory buttons.Bad is ,cos I cant do this...

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Setup the style first and then choose your VH setting type.

As an example: on registration at #1 using the Std-Duet but you want No backup. You need to edit the VH setup and turn the HARM.1 (backup singer) slider down to Zero. Thus creating your solo voice.

Go to the MEMORY button and in the VOCAL HARMONY screen make sure you have the CHECK MARK placed in the box next to VH/MIC. Save the registration at #1

Again set up the style parts first.

On the registration at #2 using the Std-Duet. You simply save the setup as is and you have the backup singer with your voice.
Go to the MEMORY button and in the VOCAL HARMONY screen make sure you have the CHECK MARK place in the box next to VH/MIC. Save the registration at #2

Now when you select Reg #1 you will be solo and #2 you will have the backup singer.



I don't use this method because I am always turning the VH on and off through out the song as it is done in the song's original arrangement.

I did use this setup method once because I had to use a registration for the song "Mountain Music" by Alabama.
I still needed to turn the Harmony off and I used Reg slot #7 to turn it off. 

Mountain Music



You can do this as Drake states, just tick the mic box and save vocal harmony on in a registration with whatever else you are saving. .you can then do the same with vocal harmony off in a different registration.  But as Drake says, you can alternatively use two dedicated registrations only for vocal harmony on and off, without anything else being saved in those registrations. You can decide which way works best for you.


Quote from: mikf on Mar 02, 2024, 11:06 AM
You can do this as Drake states, just tick the mic box and save vocal harmony on in a registration with whatever else you are saving. .you can then do the same with vocal harmony off in a different registration.  But as Drake says, you can alternatively use two dedicated registrations only for vocal harmony on and off, without anything else being saved in those registrations. You can decide which way works best for you.


problem is cos registration dont want to save vocal harmony status (on or Off).Please,if you haw Genos2 make two Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login registration no.1 memorize VH in On position(Led shuld lighting on VH buton in Mic area on left side on panel ) and second registration make vith VH in off position.
Then swich betwen this two registration and led lamp on VH shuld go on off and on position.I my situation,I cant do this cos registration memory dont memorize On and Off position of VH.

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


You have to have the VH/MIC box checked for the Vocal Harmony to be saved in the registration.

Here is a registration with #1 as the solo (your voice) and #2 with the added backup singer. I connect the registration to the Preset Std-Duet on my keyboard. It should be able to work on your keyboard hopefully.

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yes I have the VH/MIC box checked in the registration buit still dont work....

I check your file and dont work on my kayboard...
Dont know anymore what to do...

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Can you go to Edit my registration and see if it is finding your Std-Duet? Is that the issue?



When I unzip you file,I recive mesge:Data has not been loaded properly.
I thing the reason is cos that file is not make on Genos2 kayboard....or I am wrong???

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


My registration must not be compatible with your newer keyboard. I know the new keyboard's registration don't work with my keyboard. It was worth a try.

Someone with your model will need to jump in here and help.



It's Ok Drake....

Thank you for your help....

I thing in my kayboard is something wrong with OS.
I loadet the last OS from Yamaha site...

Thak you once again

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Quote from: Dusan on Mar 02, 2024, 02:04 PM

problem is cos registration dont want to save vocal harmony status (on or Off).Please,if you haw Genos2 make two Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login registration no.1 memorize VH in On position(Led shuld lighting on VH buton in Mic area on left side on panel ) and second registration make vith VH in off position.
Then swich betwen this two registration and led lamp on VH shuld go on off and on position.I my situation,I cant do this cos registration memory dont memorize On and Off position of VH.

I just tried it on Genos 2; it totally works. (reg7 VH light on, reg8 VH light off)

Are you sure you:
-updated to OS 1.02
-ticked the Vocal Harmony settings after pressing the Memory Button?

Sorry took a while to post this response, other posts have shown up since I started typing


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Mark Wilburn


Hi Dusan

I have attached a G2 Reg  Buttons 3 & 4

Just had another thought. Make sure VH BOX is NOT ticked in the Parameter lock setup accessed via the main main menu - utilities

See also attached pic.

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[attachment unavailable]



Good call, Bill! I forgot to ask him to check Reg freeze!

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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: Bill on Mar 02, 2024, 04:06 PM
Hi Dusan

I have attached a G2 Reg  Buttons 3 & 4

Just had another thought. Make sure VH BOX is NOT ticked in the Parameter lock setup accessed via the main main menu - utilities

See also attached pic.

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Yeeeeessss,Bingo my friend Bill,

The Parameter lock was a problem...
Dont know what to say...? On big thank you for you help and suport...cos
allso I am thenkfol to ather forum members to...

Best regards to you

If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Hi Dusan

Pleased I could help.

