Love is all around - Genos style for SX keyboard

Started by dlepera, Feb 19, 2024, 08:23 PM

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          I am looking for a style for "Love is all Around" by Wet Wet Wet.

  The Genos2 under the Rock category has a perfect style 90s ScotSoft Rock I think it is.

   While this will not play on my keyboard, I am wondering if there may be the same one
  on the Genos that may be compatible with the SX series? 

    The few styles that have that name which I got from this forum, don't work for the song.

                   Regards.     dom
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Roger Brenizer

I have 60 styles for this song. I sorted out the duplicate file names and have attached 19 styles for you to try. I'm certain some of these are duplicate styles, Dom. :)

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 Hello Roger.

  You are so resourceful. Very much appreciated. 
   There are a few really good styles.


       Best Regards!     dom 

Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Sweet! this would also be a style for "Christmas is All Around from Love Actually" (which is itself a cover of Love is All around) but performed by the hillarious Bill Nighy!


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