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Dynamic control setting bug

Started by robbiedoes, Nov 22, 2023, 05:19 AM

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After one day of playing the Genos 2, I'm very pleased by the Dynamic Control function where you can change the velocity of the style playing parts. I like it very much!!

BUT.....when you change the Dynamic Control value, nothing is gonna change it back! So when you change it to a very low value, it stays there forever. It's not saved in a registration or changing back to standard value when you change a style. Only when you turn off the Genos 2 and turn back on, it changes back to 80 (as I believe this is the default value).

This results that registrations you've made can sound different or have wrong balance when you've changed the Dynamic Control value during playing. In my opinion this is wrong. A registration should always result in an exact match of balance you've programmed in the registration.

My thoughts about improvement would be:

  • Dynamic Control value should be programmed in/changed by the registration too
  • Dynamic Control value should be resetted to default when changing to another style

Am I right?


Hi, did the update changed anything?
[V1.01 to V1.02]
Fixed a problem in which the Kbd Harmony/Arpeggio Type could not be read correctly when loading a Registration Memory Bank file of the Genos.
User Style can now be selected when editing the "Style" message in the Chord part on the display, called up by [MIDI Multi Recording] -> [Step Edit].
You can now assign "Dynamics Control" to pedals on the Assignable display.
Fixed a problem which the MIDI port name and number of MIDI ports may be incorrect when connected to a computer.

In addition: Is there a danger that the sound will suddenly be too loud when using Memory Switching?
My best regards,


Maybe this is a great idea for Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login where you can post your ideas
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


I guarantee that it someone wants it to stay the same when changing styles, somebody else will want it to reset when changing the styles  :) :)


Quote from: ton37 on Nov 22, 2023, 05:30 AM
Hi, did the update changed anything?
[V1.01 to V1.02]
Fixed a problem in which the Kbd Harmony/Arpeggio Type could not be read correctly when loading a Registration Memory Bank file of the Genos.
User Style can now be selected when editing the "Style" message in the Chord part on the display, called up by [MIDI Multi Recording] -> [Step Edit].
You can now assign "Dynamics Control" to pedals on the Assignable display.
Fixed a problem which the MIDI port name and number of MIDI ports may be incorrect when connected to a computer.

Ah...I completely overlooked the availability of a new firmware update (too exited with the new Genos 2 haha)  :o. I'm still running on version 1.01, so I updated to 1.02 immediately. No change in behavior by the way.

In addition: Is there a danger that the sound will suddenly be too loud when using Memory Switching?

No, there's absolutely no danger. Dynamic Change is not as heavy as volume change. It changes the velocity of the played notes in the style.


Quote from: DaPaleRider on Nov 22, 2023, 05:33 AM
Maybe this is a great idea for Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login where you can post your ideas

Good suggestion, didn't know this link and will keep this in mind. I've already send an e-mail this morning to Yamaha Support. Don't know what is the best way; it's always choosing between "idea" or "bug" :).


Quote from: DerekA on Nov 22, 2023, 05:39 AM
I guarantee that it someone wants it to stay the same when changing styles, somebody else will want it to reset when changing the styles  :) :)

I agree that everyone has their own whishes. But in the mindset of registrations it just isn't correct. A registration should take your keyboard to exactly the same state for playing a song. And without Dynamic Control settings in the registration, the keyboard can be in another state (with low or high Dynamic Control value) and the audiomix can be out of balance that way.

PS: For resetting the Dynamic Control setting when changing a style, it's like the same with reverb. When you change a style, the main reverb type will change to the reverb type that is defined in the style. Yamaha can choose to include an Parameter Lock option in the Utility settings menu to lock the Dynamic Control setting just like you can lock Reverb and Master EQ settings

JohnS (Ugawoga)

What happens when you save a registration and dynamic control say set to a hi value and save
Then set another registration with a lower value and save??
Surely you would get the changes you need

All the Best
John :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


I tested Dynamic Control settings with different style switching.
I selected a style and changed the default value of 80 to another. When I choose another style the Dynamic Control setting is changed to the default of 80.
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


Quote from: DaPaleRider on Nov 22, 2023, 10:18 AM
I tested Dynamic Control settings with different style switching.
I selected a style and changed the default value of 80 to another. When I choose another style the Dynamic Control setting is changed to the default of 80.

That's very strange. Is it working with every style change? What styles did you use for switching to test, so I can try to reproduce it?


You are far better off reporting any faults to Yamaha Direct.


I tested it with random styles without any problems. What EileenL suggested is the best option for now. Contact Yamaha support.
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


Yes I've contacted Yamaha this morning via the support website.

But a few minutes ago I found out that a fully factory reset fixed the problem of Dynamic Control not resetting when switching styles. Very strange. I haven't changed any specific settings. I was still playing the Genos 2 out of the box just discovering sounds and styles. Firmware update to 1.02 didn't change anything, but the fully factory reset fixed it.

The fully factory reset only fixed the Dynamic Control value resetting to 80 after switching styles. It still doesn't save the Dynamic Control value into a registration by the way.

Update: problem returns after I load and use a Genos 1 registration, then only a power reset solves the problem again temporarily. So we can define this definitely as a real bug  ;).


Just a little update on this one. December 17th I personally demonstrated the current Dynamic Control value behavior to Peter Baartmans (Dutch demo performer from Yamaha). He was surprised to see that the Dynamic Control value is not saved in/controlled by a Registration Memory. He 100% agreed and shared my opinion that the Dynamic Control value should be saved in a Registration Memory as this should set your Genos in the correct audio balance/mix for a performance. And when the Dynamic Control value is not changed by a Registration Memory, it is possible that the audio balance is incorrect.

He promised to write an e-mail about this to his team.

PS: I've seen that the Dynamic Control value resets to 80 when changing a style. But I have also seen that this doesn't always work. I'm still investigating under what condition changing a style doesn't reset the Dynamic Control to 80. Any help would be appreciated ;).


Is there any update on this "bug"?  Have people tested whether the style dynamics control is automatically reset to 80 when switching styles and have people tried to save the value in a registration?   I have not seen that there are any updates of Genos2 since 1.02.



Not any update so far. Yamaha is very silent unfortunately :(.


Hi Robbie

The Dynamic Control cannot be saved on any of my registrations either. The default seems to be 80 as you have said, however it is very hit and miss.  Quite often it simply use whatever value is already active. It certainly does not work at all if you load a new style with a style already running. A couple of times I noticed that the style volume changes are not visable on the Aux. Panel although I can obviously here the changes.  I do like the facility but without consistency it is quite useless. I cannot see anything in the style creator function to save the value in the style, but I cannot say for sure.  The Ambient depth feature does work with registrations though.




Yamaha corporate just visited me last week and asked me for a list of comments, issues & bugs, I'll pass it along (and yes, this is definitely a bug -- Style dynamic level should be saved in registrations. And fade values shouldn't default to 0 time (default should be at least 4 seconds!).
And the BigBandBrass SW sound (008-037-057) shouldn't default to monaural!


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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: Amwilburn on Feb 17, 2024, 02:43 PM
Yamaha corporate just visited me last week and asked me for a list of comments, issues & bugs, I'll pass it along (and yes, this is definitely a bug -- Style dynamic level should be saved in registrations. And fade values shouldn't default to 0 time (default should be at least 4 seconds!).
And the BigBandBrass SW sound (008-037-057) shouldn't default to monaural!


Hi Mark,

I've only just come across this thread.

Having read it, I don't know if there's any connection, but I had an issue with Fade in /out. I started another thread on this and have found a work around thanks to Eileen, Bill and Chris.

But, the problem happens when l load certain third party registrations I used quite happily on Genos 1. It wipes the Fade in settings I have, which meant having to, reset the Fade in assign button and time again. As I said, thanks to the others I have a work around, but I never had that problem on Genos 1. The registrations I refer to, never changed to fade in assign like it does now. Other members have also mentioned this issue as being different from Genos 1.

I wondered if this is something you could mention to Yamaha too I case it's a similar problem to the style dynamic issue ?

Kind regards,

