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Genos 2 Fade in/out not working

Started by Oxford1035, Feb 11, 2024, 06:47 PM

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On Genos 1 I set assignable button F for fade out/in. I had it set to fade out over 6 seconds. I was able to use it on all my registrations, including third party registrations.

On Genos 2, if I hit fade out it cuts it dead and comes up as zero seconds. I have checked all my registrations and assignable button F is still shown as Fade in/, but the fade out time is zero. I have been in contact with Yamaha, but I'm not getting anywhere. The behaviour of the Fade in/time  settimg has changed from Genos 1 to 2.

Is anyone else having this issue?




On Genos2 Fade is assigned now to the three new assignable buttons on the left. Second one is set as fade. The one most people used on Genos was F. That is now empty for you to assign something else to. If you press Direct Access and the button that has Fade in it the page where you can adjust it comes up.


I'm having the same trouble. I believe it's a software hitch.


Press Menu and on Page one select Assignable. At the bottom of the page set your Fade to what you want. There is no software problem.


Quote from: Oxford1035 on Feb 11, 2024, 06:47 PM
On Genos 1 I set assignable button F for fade out/in. I had it set to fade out over 6 seconds. I was able to use it on all my registrations, including third party registrations.

On Genos 2, if I hit fade out it cuts it dead and comes up as zero seconds. I have checked all my registrations and assignable button F is still shown as Fade in/, but the fade out time is zero. I have been in contact with Yamaha, but I'm not getting anywhere. The behaviour of the Fade in/time  settimg has changed from Genos 1 to 2.

Is anyone else having this issue?



Hi Russ,

You had already asked a similar question in December, to which I answered you in detail:
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The Fade In/Out Detail Settings (Fade In Time, Fade Out Time and Fade Out Hold Time) are automatically saved in the so-called System Setup when you exit the Assignable display (by pressing the EXIT button or touching the X icon).

If the "Assignable Buttons" checkbox is checked, the settings can also be memorized in Registrations. In your case, the settings may be changed by registrations that contain other ("wrong") Fade In/Out settings.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

The reason for posting again is something is not working the way it should or as you explain.
I have read other people having this issue too.

If you mean assignable button 2 is set automatically to Fade in/out, out the box, it isn't on mine. The three assignable buttons on the left are blank. When I look at the assignable button F on Genos 2, all my registrations are set as per my Genos 1 for Fade in/out. But the time is at zero. This didn't happen on Genos 1, the Fade out was around 6 seconds. I  don't know how else to explain this, but I know the Fade in worked on all my registrations on Genos 1 without having to change the time every time I changed registration.

Kind regards,



Quote from: Oxford1035 on Feb 12, 2024, 06:05 PM
Hi Chris,

The reason for posting again is something is not working the way it should or as you explain.
I have read other people having this issue too.

If you mean assignable button 2 is set automatically to Fade in/out, out the box, it isn't on mine. The three assignable buttons on the left are blank. When I look at the assignable button F on Genos 2, all my registrations are set as per my Genos 1 for Fade in/out. But the time is at zero. This didn't happen on Genos 1, the Fade out was around 6 seconds. I  don't know how else to explain this, but I know the Fade in worked on all my registrations on Genos 1 without having to change the time every time I changed registration.

Kind regards,



As stated in other threads this is clearly a bug and will hopefully be addressed in a future firmware update. If you don't want to wait there is no other solution than fixing this in every of your registrations and re-store them. I did this as well.

Genos 2 (upgrade from Genos 1), several condenser mics (Audio-technica, DPA, Shure), RME Fireface UC, Studio One Pro 6, Behringer QX1832


Quote from: Oxford1035 on Feb 12, 2024, 06:05 PM

If you mean assignable button 2 is set automatically to Fade in/out, out the box, it isn't on mine. The three assignable buttons on the left are blank. When I look at the assignable button F on Genos 2, all my registrations are set as per my Genos 1 for Fade in/out. But the time is at zero. This didn't happen on Genos 1, the Fade out was around 6 seconds. I  don't know how else to explain this, but I know the Fade in worked on all my registrations on Genos 1 without having to change the time every time I changed registration.

Kind regards,


Hi Russ

Out of the box the Genos 2 was setup as Chris explained.  You most probably just did not notice it. The first time you select one of your registration the KB will be setup as your previous setup NOT the new arrangement. I have included the G2 setup as saved within 2 minutes of me first switching on.  With your setup the 3 assignables on the left will be blank. If you now go to the setup assignables and select Fade  you will see 0.0 secs because you have not told it to be anything. 

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Quote from: sh on Feb 13, 2024, 01:57 AM

As stated in other threads this is clearly a bug and will hopefully be addressed in a future firmware update.

Hi Sven

It is not a Bug.  I think Yamaha has done a good job of many of the new features on G2, however they missed a golden opportunity in many area's. To be fair to them there is no point in suggesting the KB is ridden with bugs when it's not.




If you are saying when you first had Genos2 out of the Box theses settings were not there then you must have loaded one of your old registrations in to have put freeze in button F. Straight out of the box Button F is not lit as there is nothing assigned to it.


Quote from: Bill on Feb 13, 2024, 12:07 PM
Hi Sven

It is not a Bug.  I think Yamaha has done a good job of many of the new features on G2, however they missed a golden opportunity in many area's. To be fair to them there is no point in suggesting the KB is ridden with bugs when it's not.


Hi Bill,

I have stated several times here that I love the G2. However, I can't agree with your statement, I regard this as a bug. All my G1 registrations where I had programmed the F assignable key for the fade out do not work on G2 anymore (the timeout value is always set to 0 on G2). In my world this is a bug. But I honestly don't want to start a dispute here, it is just my opinion. If others do not think this is a bug I am fine with it as well. I can only speak for myself.  :)

Genos 2 (upgrade from Genos 1), several condenser mics (Audio-technica, DPA, Shure), RME Fireface UC, Studio One Pro 6, Behringer QX1832


Hi Sven

Many thanks for your reply. Yes there is no need to start any arguments here, after all we are here to help each other as best we can. I think I may have an odd few registration s with the F button programmed to fade, but they will be difficult to find. Have you sent one of your registrations to Yamaha support with a brief support question. In my experience they are always very helpful.




Quote from: Bill on Feb 13, 2024, 04:09 PM
Hi Sven

Many thanks for your reply. Yes there is no need to start any arguments here, after all we are here to help each other as best we can. I think I may have an odd few registration s with the F button programmed to fade, but they will be difficult to find. Have you sent one of your registrations to Yamaha support with a brief support question. In my experience they are always very helpful.


Hi Bill,

I did not contact the Yamaha support yet. I currently rather invest my very limited time to play.  :)

Genos 2 (upgrade from Genos 1), several condenser mics (Audio-technica, DPA, Shure), RME Fireface UC, Studio One Pro 6, Behringer QX1832


Hi Sven

It does not take long, Email address below.




I have already contacted Yamaha and they say it should be working, but it's not. I have the same issue as Sven. It worked fine on Genos 1 with all my registrations on button F, but no longer


I have just loaded an old registration in to my Genos2 from Genos1. The fade is now on Button F. Press Direct access and Button F and you will see the values are at  zero.
Just set them as you want them and resave in registration.
Personally I prefer the freeze button on the Left second assignable button where Yamaha have put it. The F button is now not used but ready for you to assign something else of your choice. 
  When I first received my new keyboard the first thing I did was to make a start up registration in which I had Live Control and Assignable button ticked in memory and freeze settings. This also makes sure that the Ambient Drum and Dynamic control remains on page two of Knob assign page. Then with freeze button on I could load my old registrations in and the new Genos2 settings remained. I then just resaved to the reg. buttons1-10 and resaved the bank. Only takes a couple of minutes.


Hi Eileen and Chris,

Just an update for you. After spending a long time going through everything, including doing a factory reset back to the factory settings, I have discovered that a third party registration pack was causing the problems.

I don't know what was wrong with it or why it caused the problem, but the assignable box wasn't ticked in any of the offending registrations. When I checked the assignable buttons on these registrations there was no Fade in/out saved, but for whatever reason, as soon as I tried to use the Fade in on any of these registrations, it stopped the Fade in working on any registrations

I want to do what you do with setting up a template registration Eileen, but don't want to end up spending hours if it goes wrong. Would you mind please telling me how you set up the template registration to save the ambient controls etc. to be able to alter the rest of my registrations?





Hi Russ

Before you embark on the task spend a bit of time thinking about what you want the sliders and rotary encoders to do. Also thing about what you want to see in the Aux. Display.  It might sound obvious, but try to think out of the box.  One of the things I did when I had the G1 was to setup my assignable to display the Octave and Pan settings. I found it useful when trying different styles and registrations. Having the sliders etc set that way it was easy to see and change things without having to constantly go through several screens.  See attached screen shot to give you some idea.


[attachment unavailable]



Hello Russ as bill says I set up my keyboard the way I wanted things first regarding assignable buttons ect. I also set my two effects peddles to what I wanted plus how my transpose worked. I then went to Memory and made sure I have ticks in what I wanted also the freeze button.
Then with a blank registration bank and my voices set to a piano I saved into the first button. I then saved this registration calling it Set up Bank. I always select this bank on switch on to set things up. If I am then going to load in a registration bank from a pack or another keyboard I put the freeze button on so it dose not change these settings. I can then Just re-save each button which will now have the new settings in and then save the bank.
  Hope this helps.


This post also has info about making your own 'Default-set-up'.
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My best regards,


Hi Eileen and Bill,

Many thanks for your help. I will do as suggested and spend a bit of time thinking exactly what I want. To be honest, on Genos 1 I only ever really used button F for my fade in and 2 pedals for volume and glide.

But having listened to your suggestions and gone through what can be assigned I think I can make really good use of a number of the assignable functions. A lot of the standard things like cut off etc. never interested me, hence not really using them. But this has helped me look deeper into what's available.

It's been a bit of a pain, but has led to something positive 🙂

Kind regards,



