Alternative style for "Hungry Eyes" on SX700

Started by Dupe, Oct 09, 2022, 04:43 AM

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Currently practicing "Hungary Eyes" using "Canadian Rock", Style. Can anybody suggest an alternative style, please?
Left handed player...paralysed right hand, wrist and fingers.

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 2 styles for you to try, Dupe. :)

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Hi Roger, thanks again for sharing, I'll try them out and let you know how I get on. Kind Regards  Dupe :)
Left handed player...paralysed right hand, wrist and fingers.


Hi Roger, tried the styles you shared, and they sound great. I can carry on practicing the piece now. My playing is getting better with time. Kind Regards Dupe
Left handed player...paralysed right hand, wrist and fingers.


Hi Roger. Ive been out of touch for a while playing my PSR-S910 because of medical reasons. MyS910 (15 years old) has issues and I just got an SX700. I was getting familiar with it and had some music playing on my computer and this song,hungry eyes comes on. I said Id like to play that on my keyboard but could not find it in all the playlists I downloaded. Saw this post and DLed the ones you provided. Sounds much better with your styles. Thank you very much.
J. Cortese




I have on my website the perfect custom style for hungry eyes, take a look at: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Compatible with Genos (1/2), SX900, and SX700 (and other models). There are audio demos recorded with these models. Listen to it.

However, it's not free. They are professional and I'll provide you with the sheet music too.

Pedro Eleuterio

Pedro Eleutério
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Nice styles but a lot of money for just 1. Id buy if they were cheaper.
J. Cortese
