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Genos 2 and the Rec n Share app

Started by John T4, Feb 08, 2024, 05:04 AM

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John T4

As the Genos 2 now has a digital interface I thought I would try the Rec n Share app from Yamaha.
I'm mainly android , and although there is the app for android, it doesn't work, at least not with my attempts, its a known problem with android,
It appears Yamaha are waiting for google and google are waiting for Yamaha....
Anyway I tried it using an old iPhone 7 plus, and its works great.
As you see the sync and sound quality are perfect, can't say the same about the playing...
I hope this demonstrates how good and easy this is to do. Just one cable from the genos 2 to the phone , hit record, and then start playing the keyboard.

regards  John