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Style Editing (Ending setting)

Started by Rcd_WB, Feb 10, 2024, 03:13 PM

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PSR SX-900. I using the "PianoBallad" style, and both END-II and END-III have Ritardando (Rit) as a default when either of these buttons are pressed (I'm not hitting the buttons twice). I'm trying to find out if the RIT can be disabled using the Style Creator. I've scoured the Reference manual (starting on page 18) to see if there is some hint as to how to do this, but so far I'm left scratching my head.


Hopefully someone can come up with an answer, what I ended up doing was copying all the parts into a new style (what a pain) and oddly, the Ritardando wasn't copied into ending III, but it *still* was on Ending II, so i reverted back to the version with no ending II, and re-recorded the drums from scratch, and then imported the instrument parts again, and *that* worked.

But that's more of a workaround. I was unable to find the sysex code for the ritardando


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Mark Wilburn


Nope. I would just copy and paste an ending from another style. Then revoice the ending to match the Piano Ballad style.

Yamaha can do things to the style that we can't do.

For instance, they can put 2 different instruments in the SAME part of the style and the 2 instruments will flip back and forth. I came across a style like that about a month ago while I was revoicing a new Genos 2 style on my S950 keyboard. I wish I had noted that style's name but I didn't.

But 2 days ago (I did note the style) I was reworking the new G2 "ScandMedShuffle" style. In this style Yamaha has the RHY1 setup to use only NON percussion instruments. The reason I noted this particular style, was in case I ever need to add an extra instrument voice to a custom style I can use this style when I start the project or copy and paste everything over to that style.



Quote from: DrakeM on Feb 10, 2024, 05:17 PM
Yamaha can do things to the style that we can't do.

For instance, they can put 2 different instruments in the SAME part of the style and the 2 instruments will flip back and forth. I came across a style like that about a month ago while I was revoicing a new Genos 2 style on my S950 keyboard. I wish I had noted that style's name but I didn't.

Actually we *can*, and I use that quite often (either to simulate a 3rd or 4th drum kit voice, or to hold a chord and rather than waste the style slot, I would then insert another voice, and add the desired arppegio/ strum. You just need to offset the timing slightly so they're not actually simultaneous.


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Mark Wilburn


The ritardando is recorded into the MIDI tempo track in the MIDI part of the style file. The attached picture shows the tempo track events for PianoBallad Ending 2 and Ending 3.

One way to fix this problem is to split the style file into MIDI and Non-MIDI parts using Jorgen's split/splice tool. Edit the tempo track. Then, splice the MIDI and Non-MIDI parts together using Jorgen's tool.

Hope this helps -- pj

[attachment unavailable]


All suggestions sound amazing, however I'm pretty much a novice user of the keyboard (and all other music related software), with very limited music ability. So, although I wish things were different, I will just have to live with the way things are. If only I had started 50 years ago.

The reason I want to turn Off the RIT, is so I can use the "END" button during the middle of a song (to wind down the accompaniment cleanly), allowing me to continue the song without any accompaniment. Maybe there is a better way to do this that I'm not aware of.



I started at age 53 learning the piano and the arranger keyboard. Just keep working on the process of playing and Copying and Pasting style parts around from one style to another until you have the process memorized.

I remember I started by taking a style to do a song that sounded perfect BUT it had the wrong sounding Break. I figured out how to change the Break. After that, "I was off to the races" so to speak. Today I only use styles that I have assembled using only the keyboard's Style Creator program. I now have over 400 styles that I have made for each song I perform.



Thanks Drake for the encouragement.
I guess that's a fundamental skill I need to acquire (Copy-Paste style parts).
I revised my posting above, to indicate WHY I wanted to alter the way one of the 'ENDing' buttons behaved.


Quote from: Amwilburn on Feb 10, 2024, 06:32 PM
Actually we *can*, and I use that quite often (either to simulate a 3rd or 4th drum kit voice, or to hold a chord and rather than waste the style slot, I would then insert another voice, and add the desired arppegio/ strum. You just need to offset the timing slightly so they're not actually simultaneous.


Yes. It's possible. I already did that. It's simple, just insert a programming at the point voice changes. I did in ABBA song (don't shut me down), because I needed one more channel, so I did this workaround.

Pedro Eleutério
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A quick solution would be to use an older version of the style.

For example, you can find a version of the style without rit. endings in Onacimus' PSR-3000 Standard Style Collection. These styles should also work in your SX900.

In the chapter "PSR-3000 Standard Style Collection" is the link
You have to unzip the downloaded file. No ending of the included style "PianoBallad2" is a rit. ending.

I hope this works.


pjd: yup, that's what I was looking for. Of *course* Jorgen has already solved it!

Kurt: also a nice simple solution!


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Mark Wilburn