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MIDI connection between ForScore and Genos

Started by Rubberdock, Nov 09, 2020, 10:18 PM

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Does anyone have experience with midi connection between ForScore and Genos via MD-BT01.
I have seen in Songbook + that you can select a sheet music page on Songbook + and then Genos is set up with div. registrations.
Pretty smart must be able to do in ForScore.
Have tried setting up ForScore with different midi setups - but nothing works.
Got a lot of help on this wonderful forum - so I wonder if there is someone who can help.


Maybe a little hard to understand what I mean - but try to see this very good YouTube page - he's a good guy - has had contact with him about a Genos - but he can not help as he does not know the settings on a Genos keyboard.

His settings are for the North Keyboard.


Have a look here:

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Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Hi Chris

Thanks for your reply.
I have been to that page and see if there was help - but from what I can see there are more problems than solutions.
The big problem is probably the slightly weak help from ForScore who do not want the big help for their customers as soon as they have received money for their program.
But I'm still struggling for help.

Mr. Rubberdock  ;) ;) ;)


Hi Mr. Rubberdock,

on Genos you have two options to have Registrations switched by receiving external MIDI messages:

1. The "good old" MSB/LSB/ProgramChange method (as known from Tyros 2 - 5 and PSR-S975): This method is relatively complicated to use, because all Registration files used must be stored in one single folder. In addition, the Registration Bank files must be numbered consecutively (with a three-digit number at the beginning of the file name), and only a maximum of 500 Registration files can be used with this method.

These consecutively numbered Reg files are then called up via MIDI as follows:

001 Reg Bank filename A.rgt      MSB=0, LSB=0
002 Reg Bank filename B.rgt      MSB=0, LSB=1
003 Reg Bank filename C.rgt      MSB=0, LSB=2
... ...
128 Reg Bank filename D.rgt      MSB=0, LSB= 127

129 Reg Bank filename E.rgt      MSB=1, LSB= 0
... ...
256 Reg Bank filename F.rgt       MSB=1, LSB=127

257 Reg Bank filename G.rgt      MSB=2, LSB=0
... ...
384 Reg Bank filename H.rgt      MSB=2, LSB=127

385 Reg Bank filename I.rgt       MSB=3, LSB=0
... ...
500 Reg Bank filename J.rgt       MSB=3, LSB=115

The individual Registrations (buttons 1 - 10) are called up via a ProgramChange (0 - 9), which is sent after the MSB and LSB. (On Tyros 2 - 5 and PRS-S975 it's ProgramChange 0 - 7.)

In order for this to work via USB-MIDI or Bluetooth-MIDI from the iPad, a user MIDI template must also be created on the Genos, in which the Part "KEYBOARD" is set in RECEIVE for "Port 1 Channel 1". And the Transmit Channel on the iPad must of course be set to 1.

2. Now the easy way (only available on Genos and PSR-SX models): :)

Each Registration transmits a SysEx string when it is called up, and if exactly this SysEx string is received, this Registration will be called up again later.

Please try the following:

- First make sure that the Bluetooth LE MIDI adapter is connected properly to the Genos (MIDI A IN and OUT). Use a MIDI Template that allows SysEx transfer (e.g. "All Parts").

- On the Genos, select the desired Registration Bank and press the desired Reg Button (1 - 10).

- On the iPad make sure that Bluetooth is ON and the MD-BD01 is shown as "Connected" in the forScore app.

- In forScore call up the desired sheet music. Then go into Metadata List and press "MIDI". Press "Send" at the bottom and then press "Learn ..." in the upcoming menu. (See also the attached picture.)

- Now press the correct Registration button (again) on Genos. The unique SysEx string for this registration is transmitted by the Genos and should be able to be received and recorded by forScore. Then save these settings in forScore.

- When calling up the sheet music concerned in forScore, the SysEx string should then be sent via MIDI and the appropriate Registration should be called up on the Genos.

Unfortunately, I don't own forScore myself, and the forScore Manual (available online and in PDF format) doesn't mention whether SysEx is supported. If this is actually NOT the case (which I do not believe), you would have to use the first method described here, i.e. enter the relevant MSB, LSB and ProgramChange in forScore that should be sent when a song is called up.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris
Thanks for your reply - looks a bit confusing but will look into it tomorrow. But from what you've written,
I think I'm on my way.
Again great help from you - must say - "I do not fear the world when I have a friend like you;) ;) ;)
Mr. Rubberdock


Quote from: overover on Nov 10, 2020, 10:15 AM

Unfortunately, I don't own forScore myself, and the forScore Manual (available online and in PDF format) doesn't mention whether SysEx is supported. If this is actually NOT the case (which I do not believe), you would have to use the first method described here, i.e. enter the relevant MSB, LSB and ProgramChange in forScore that should be sent when a song is called up.

I've got Forscore, (which is still a work in progress), but I've not yet got into it as I use OnSong.

But a quick look shows up a Forscore menu option per song, with a MIDI Tab "Send these commands on open" which suggests that it should be ok.

Also, I made this observation back in January in the post referred to above by frozzers:

"From a quick look at the ForScore App & User Guide v10.5, it looks perfectly feasible.
P.12 says
In the "MIDI" section of the metadata panel, you can assign a unique command to each score and open it with some MIDI devices. You can also save a list of commands to be sent out each time that score is opened"

This is roughly what I do in OnSong,

Genos2, Montage 7, PSR EW-410 HS5's, mfc10
Former Keyboards: Genos, T1/2/3/5 & various Organs


Thank you for your reply.  :) :)
I have to start working on it. I thought it was easy - but can see it is a slow one that requires time and hard work. I've had contact with Yahama - but there was no help available.
I mean weird when it's hardware from them.
But will return at some point - IF and when I possibly. makes it work.
Is a nice job during this covid-19 time where you have to stay calm.


Hi Rubberdock,

please first try method 2 ("MIDI Learn" mode). Maybe forScore supports receiving/transmitting SysEx correctly in the meantime.

Method 1 must work in any case. The only thing to note here is that the Registrations do not transmit MSB/LSB/ProgramChange when called up (but, as I said, only SysEx). With method 1 you therefore have to enter the values for MSB, LSB and ProgramChange manually for each song in forScore, and the Registration files have to be in a single folder and numbered as described. (Of course, you can simply make copies of your Registration file for this purpose, which you put all in one new folder.)

Also important: With method 1 you always have to manually load a Registration from this folder first. Then you can change the Regs within this folder via forScore.

With method 2 (SysEx) the storage location of the Registration files is irrelevant. However, the files may not be renamed or moved later.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


An old topic I know but, as far as I can tell, no-one's confirmed whether Chris's instructions work or not.

I can now confirm that Chris's Option 2 above does work. However, it only works one way ie the registration will select the appropriate forScore score but the score won't select the registration.

To get the score to select the appropriate registration, in effect, you're going to have to repeat the above process.

Follow Chris's instructions above but, after pressing "MIDI", click "+' and this time press "Open".

Press "Learn ..." in the "New MIDI Command" menu.

Now press the appropriate Registration button on the Genos. The unique SysEx string for this registration is transmitted by the Genos and will be received and recorded by forScore.

Note, there's no Save option in the Metadata window, you just need to close it by pressing the "x" in the top right corner and it'll be saved automatically.

I've got all this working on my Clavinova CVP-909 incidentally.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670