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Looking for the genos(2)sty files

Started by DaPaleRider, Feb 13, 2024, 02:59 AM

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I am looking for the STY files from the Genos(2).
Do not know how to extract them from the ppf files.

I want to convert them to Korg styles. And Korg styles to Genos.
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


Do you mean the styles from the packs ?
If yes,
Solution 1 : install the packs and then you have access to these styles.
Solution 2 : I think they might be downloadable somewhere on this forum
Solution 3 : send me a PM with your mail address and I will send them to you.

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Quote from: vlbrgt on Feb 13, 2024, 03:25 AM
Do you mean the styles from the packs ?
If yes,
Solution 1 : install the packs and then you have access to these styles.
Solution 2 : I think they might be downloadable somewhere on this forum
Solution 3 : send me a PM with your mail address and I will send them to you.


What is a PM?
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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