question about Styles #17 and style file format in general

Started by Joe B., Feb 05, 2024, 09:46 PM

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Joe B.

Hello group,

I recently bought Styles #17 which I am guessing was designed for Genos / SX900. I have a PSR 5000 and I noticed some/many of the OTS settings on the styles don't play. So I assume they were made for sounds that don't exist on the PSR A5000. Therefore, I downloaded OTS Viewer and generated an HTML file to show the sounds in the OTS files and then I can edit them manually so they sound close to the original.

First question, when I run the OTS Viewer, how does the viewer know what is the original sound? was it based on an SX 900 style/Genos? Does a style file contain meta data that says that model the style was designed for?

Then I downloaded OTS Editor and I selected the PSR A5000 as my keyboard, but unfortunately the program does not look right. It's selecting or matching sounds that don't exist on the PSR A5000! So I stopped using it and went back to simply looking at the HTML report from the OTS Viewer program. Note that both of those programs were giving me different sounds, so I think they aren't up to date with the patches on the PSR A5000.

My goal is to revoice the style and OTS so they sound close to what they are supposed to sound on SX900/Genos, by substituting sounds with things that are available on my PSR A5000.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a better way?
Current owner of PSR A5000, Novation 61SL MK 2
Former owner of MODX, PA4X, PA900 and GEM WK2


Honestly, there is nothing magic about Yamahas OTS voice choices. I would just pick a voice you like and set your own OTS. No big deal.


The program knows the voice by the voice's catalog number. If the number has not been added to the program, you get a Blank.

You might go and download the Genos 2 DATA LIST. The Genos 2 keyboard will have the most complete list of voices. Search the name of the voice and find what category the voice is in (bass, chorus, guitar, synth) and just select a voice from that category. There is no wrong choice.

Joe B.

I see, so each sound Yamaha has, it has a unique catalogue number, and that's how it knows the name of the sound. It is possible that the sound name is slightly different on another Yamaha model?

I know there is no wrong answer, but it's easier to make a style sounds like the original if I can get close to those sounds
Current owner of PSR A5000, Novation 61SL MK 2
Former owner of MODX, PA4X, PA900 and GEM WK2


All voices are defined by three numbers: Program number; MSB value; and LSB value.
Read more in the keyboard datalist.
The styles name is not used internally in the keyboard.
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- since 1999


hi joeb,
As Mike (above) said: you really shouldn't worry about OTS voices.. you simply set OTS voices to your liking (depending on what song you play).

However, if you noticed that there are voices in OTS that don't exist on your keyboard, then there's also a big chance that the same is true for style itself -and that's more problematic (it can/will happen that the style doesn't sound properly).
In short: you will need to "revoice" the style.

Yes, it is possible that the same voice has slightly different name on different keyboards. As Jørgen (above) mentioned, you should compare MSB, LSB and PCn number of the voices: same MSB-LSB-PCn means the same voice -regardless of it's name.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: joeb on Feb 05, 2024, 11:35 PM
I know there is no wrong answer, but it's easier to make a style sounds like the original if I can get close to those sounds
Just to echo Bogdans point, OTS choice has no effect on the sound of the style. It is just your lead voice. And most of us would never use the original OTS, always selecting our own lead voice.

Joe B.

Bogdan, yes  - I agree, OTS or not, the real problem is matching a voice and it's more important for a style channel than an OTS. I did take you guys's advice and looked at the data list. I am comparing the data list from Genos 2 and the PSR A5000. The problem is, the PSR A5000 has a subset of Genos/SX900 so I have to look at the LSB/MSB/PC numbers.

I took the data lists for Genos 2 and PSR A5000 and created a spreadsheet where I can filter by partial sound name and/or filter using the MSB-LSB-PC number and it's really nice and surprising to see the two side by side. For example, if I use my spreadsheet to search for MSB.LSB.PC = 0.115.28 I get these two rows:

Category-Name    MSB-LSB-PC   Type   Keyboard
Choir-E.Guitar-PedalSteelGuitar4           0.115.28   Regular   Genos 2
Legacy-E.Guitar-PedalSteelGuitar2   0.115.28   Regular   PSR 5000

which makes it much easier to match and find things by number or sound category

is there a way on the keyboard to search or select voices by MSB.LSB.PC ?
Current owner of PSR A5000, Novation 61SL MK 2
Former owner of MODX, PA4X, PA900 and GEM WK2