How to know elements associated with original voice

Started by soundphase, Feb 02, 2024, 02:28 PM

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I explain.

I built what I think is a good string orchestal voice starting from SeattleLushStrings #008-041-049 on Genos2.
I used voice edit, I added a personal 3bandEQ, and I saved the result as a SAR file.

From this result, I would want to create a second sound from this sound, with additional strings elements, one octave higher, and with a lower volume. I expect the original sound doesn't use all the 8 available elements.

When I go to YEM and want to create a new Genos2 Custom Voice in my personal pack, SeattleLushStrings is not present in the list of accessible strings.

I only find Seattle Tremolo & Spicatto in Strings, SeattleString f, mf, p, sfz in Legacy/Strings and a lot of other strings Kino, allegro, bow ....

Do you know how I can know the 8 elements in SeattleLushString for me to reproduce the original sound in YEM from these accessible strings ?

Note: it's to complete the left voice.



Hi --

SeattleLushStrings (8-41-049) is Super Articulation (S.Art). Yamaha doesn't provide the UVF (Universal Voice File) for Super Articulation voices since YEM cannot edit Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login voices. SeattleLushStrings are implemented also on Genos1.

Super Articulation voices often use the same samples as the equivalent Mega Voice. There is a SeattleStrings Mega Voice:

    Velocity  Sample/articulation
    --------  ----------------------
      1-20    Seattle Strings p
     21-40    Seattle Strings mf
     41-60    Seattle Strings f
     61-80    Seattle Legato
     81-95    Seattle spiccato f
     96-110   Seattle Spicatto ff
    111-120   Seattle Tremolo
    121-127   Seattle Glissando down

It's no accident that the Seattle Mega Voice uses eight samples in eight separate elements. A (multi-)sample is assigned to each voice element. Each multi-sample sounds like an ensemble as opposed to an individual section.

Playing SeattleLushStrings on Genos1, I don't hear any evidence of legato, spiccato, tremolo or glissando. I don't hear any other articulations in the built-in voice demo, either.

So, I would guess, SeattleLushStrings is composed of the p, mf and f ensemble multi-samples -- probably three elements.

The structure of the SeattleStrings f voice, however, should give one pause. The UVF for this voice shows five elements with overlapping key ranges for 1st voilins, 2nd violins, violas, celli and contrabass! At least Yamaha provides the UVFs for a few legacy Seattle voices.

Hope this info helps. It ain't straightforward and Yamaha does surprising things.

-- pj


Thank you very much for these explanations pjd.

I already used « SeattleStrings p » as I want to reproduce slow strings. YEM gives access to this sound which contains 5 « SeattleStrings p » sub-elements (mainly depending on the key played). But the result is not as good as SeattleLushStrings at all (for me).