Choosing a Registration when you have purchased some Styles.

Started by YammyFan, Jan 28, 2024, 07:49 PM

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A few days ago I posted a question about this subject in the Styles/OTS section and I have had 90 people view it , and so far have not received any help. This is most unusual, as I have always had lots of help over the last few years. I expect many of our members are away on holidays, and away from computers.
I hope that I will be forgiven in re-posting my question in another section. Happy new year to all, Signed Yammyfan.
Here is my question----
" I was given some Styles which I  didn't keep. I did not realize that they were latching on to a Registration  which just happened to be the last Registration I had used the last time I was using my Yamaha PSR 970.  They sounded terrible, so I threw them away. I regret that now, because I think that , maybe, there was nothing wrong with them; if only I had  spent a bit of time trying out a few different Registrations I might have hit upon a great combination. In future I will not be so quick to dismiss  a gift. I hope that all the above,  that I have written is logical [correct}


There is a question there?? Not one that I see.


Thanks,Mike.   I should  have said in my post that  I find it quite hard making up a registration  to accompany a style and I thought that I could use some of the existing Registrations which have been carefully constructed by  other members  to suit  a particular song. Sometimes , a Registration  can be used for two or three different songs.  My question is --- " Have any members of this forum used the same Registration  for two or three different songs?


From my experience...
While we can, and many times do use the same style for different songs, the registration is usually more song specific. The reason for creating registrations is not only to adjust style and voices to particular song, but also to make a specific execution of registration sequence -that sequence is "the right one" only for that particular song for which registration was created.
In that sense, I see no point of using particular registration for some other song.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


I think most people like to have a go to registration that contains all you favourite voice combinations that are suitable for lots of songs. These are very handy when playing live medleys for people. You just need to put the freeze button on and you can use any style. I also make one with suitable voices for country music.


Well, maybe the free registrations were for another Yamaha model and not the same as your Yamaha keyboard. That may be why they sounded terrible.

It's much more efficient time wise to set up your custom songs using just the style and the OTS with a new name as a USER style. That way you can share it and use it in you next newer Yamaha keyboard.

Years ago I tired a bunch of shared registrations, they wound up freezing up my keyboard. I just needed to turn the keyboard off and back on but I quickly learnt not to use them any more. 


The answer  is that a registration can be anything you want it to be.  It can be very detailed and specific to song, or it can be quite generic. You have to decide, I think that's the whole point of registrations. And one man's  food being another man's poison, and all that, you may hate how someone else sets up a song.
