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Why do we always want more?

Started by Divemaster, May 10, 2024, 02:36 AM

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Toril S

I think it is human to dream of more. Wnat if it could do this and that? And when I look at these keyboards, with all their blinking lights and all the buttons, I think that we who buy them and love them must be at least a little bit gadget-happy! We love to fiddle with knobs, press buttons and exprtiment to get good sound. So, when a mew gadget comes out, that can do more than the former one, well, then the temptation is too much for us :) Every time I got a new keyboard it inspired me to make some new music. I also imagined that I sounded better, and had become a better musician. Of course, that is to deceive yourself, but, what the heck. I have only one life, and want to have FUN out of it. Savint up for Genos 2.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

J. Larry

I'm not into gadgets, buttons, or sliders as much as those colored lights----and bright, colorful screens.  However, I only make the plunge, when hearing the new, or upgraded styles and voices.  That's the bottom line for me.  I guess any new toy is exciting.  I traded cars a few weeks ago.  A guy asked me..."Can I just stick my head through the door to get a whiff of that new car smell".


Why do,we always want more?

It's called human nature!😉


Graham UK

For many years I worked with different speaker designers.
In the early years I was eager to learn and they all told me the same thing that at the end of the day you can't alter the laws of nature.
Materials are improved but the standard sound design rules still apply.


Quote from: Divemaster on May 12, 2024, 07:01 AM
But the question was....

Having bought and paid for a new keyboard, piano, synth, guitar or whatever, why do we almost immediately start finding problems with it?

Only Eileen has nailed it so far.  ;)

That's what I can't get my head around. Why do we buy the latest, greatest instruments if they don't have what we want...I'm interested why some of us go and spend several thousands of £ $ € to buy something we're not happy with.. It's fascinating.

Bit like buying a Vintage Car and then being unhappy because it hasn't got a heated steering wheel....

It's because they give us "a little bit of what we want" but just not the whole lot.
As has been pointed out,  those who say they are completely happy with their instrument,  are still the first in the queue to upgrade when a new model comes out.
Everyone likes to think that,  they will sound better,  and will also enjoy the extra options that a new upgraded model will always bring.
I still have Genos one because Genos 2 still doesn't address the 2 main issues which I have with it, (sound glitch and poor Hammond Organ).
I like the Bohm but am too old to make massive changes now.

Toril S

I take back the statement of saving up for Genos 2, I will wait for Genos 3, and buy it IF my 2 issues are adressed: 1. YEM. 2. The 8-pin cable to the sub. I am still very happy with my G1, but you always want more.......
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


I can understand you Toril... I think it's natural that we change our mind (sometimes several times) before making a final decision.
About your issues:
1. YEM -I think if Yamaha doesn't make some drastic change in next keyboard OS, we can't really expect the YEM to improve.
2. 8-pin cable... Well, that solution is dictated by production costs of GNS-MS01 speakers and at the same time actually simplifies the connection (cabling). Every other solution would be quite more expensive. Imagine each speaker has separate amplifier built-in and that means it would also require it's own power cable -which would essentially be the same as if you buy a pair of studio monitors+subwoofer.

But no matter what surprise Yamaha brings, I think it's a good idea to wait for Genos3 -especially if you're happy with Genos1. Let there be a BIG change  :)

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


One thing I wish Yamaha would improve in YEM is the ability to adjust to different monitor resolutions using Windows 11. I have a 4K monitor and cannot read the YEM window at that resolution. I have to change the screen resolution to Full HD in order to use YEM. That is not a deal breaker, but it is certainly inconvenient. If nearly all other software adjusts for screen resolution, why can't Yamaha modify YEM to do so.


Seems to me the most contented players still play the PSR S500  -Why should that be? Even YT 's Jeremy See says its still his 'go to' keyboard.  They also seem to be much sought after on the secondhand market.


Quote from: casiokid on May 16, 2024, 03:10 AM
Seems to me the most contented players still play the PSR S500  -Why should that be? Even YT 's Jeremy See says its still his 'go to' keyboard.  They also seem to be much sought after on the secondhand market.

Do you really mean the "Yamaha PSR-S500" from around 2007? I still have one in our attic with a broken display.



There's no wrong or right keyboard: it all depends on our playing skill and expectations that we have for some keyboard. But as mentioned many times, we also wish to have the best that we can afford -that's logical, because we don't wish to buy better keyboard six months later and losing money at that. Ok, if we buy 10+ years old keyboard, then we won't really loose much if we change our mind later.
Anyway, I wouldn't buy 20 years old keyboard, simply because there are many new keyboard choices at affordable price.

Jeremy See has his targeting audience (kids, students,..) which, I guess, often can't really afford to buy expensive keyboards. But for learning how to play (Jeremy is teaching playing, as far I know), we don't need to spend a fortune on keyboard! And so, yes.. whatever suits our needs  :)

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Keyboard Master

I agree with this too: we all get what we want and then feel like oh if it only had this voice or that voice.


"I agree with this too: we all get what we want and then feel like oh if it only had this voice or that voice.    "                   
Yeah, I asked my wife that very same, I'm sleeping on the couch this week!


As already said: it is in humans nature always to want more (whereas more is in quantity and quality). Thus the mankind evolves. It is also its pittfall in some perspective. And most for all, a lot is not needed.  ;)
My best regards,